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Days after Draven revealed to his brother what he is hiding from him, he was gathering the nerve to finally tell Hermione about everything. After all, she can't fully love him if he's keeping some secrets about him. It's unfair for her that she already unveiled everything about her, yet he's the one who is still concealing something. It was a hard decision because this is not just about anything, this is about himself. The dark past he's been hiding, and what he is suffering right now as well.

He is broken and still healing. He's trying to be the best boyfriend she deserves even though he is battling something alone in his mind. He would gladly choose to suffer alone, rather than making her worry for him. One time, he wanted to lash out at her whenever he sees her and Jasper together, but he kept his maturity grow onto him. He lied to her. And now, maybe it's time to be fully honest with her. No secrets, no anything.


Hermione woke up with a big smile on her face. She rubbed her eyes open as she quickly checked the calendar. It's their official 1st anniversary. It's been a year since she and Draven became a couple. It was full of love, happiness, and just pure bliss. She never thought that she would fall in love with a Slytherin, but Draven happened. She was unexpectedly found love in him. A Slytherin and a Gryffindor, falling in love with each other is infrequent, but it never said it was impossible. They were the ones who broke the barriers formed between these two rival houses, and the perspective of students about the Slytherins. Draven Malfoy set up a good example to others even though he is a Slytherin.

"I know why are you happy today," Ginny said, yawning. "Officially a year together. How does it feel, Mione?"

"It feels like it was only yesterday. The love, excitement, everything about us feels like it only happened yesterday." She muttered, full of bliss in her tone.

"Well, why don't you celebrate this whole day now with your precious love. I'm sure he's waiting for you now." The youngest Weasley said to her.

Draven was waiting in front of the Gryffindor's large portrait painting, the door towards their common room. He was holding a long red-stemmed rose at the back, and later on, he planned something at the Astronomy tower. It was a simple date for the both of them later night and he already spoke with Professor Dumbledore about it and he permitted them for it.

The portrait door opened and it revealed a cheery Hermione Granger and she lunged at him, giving him the biggest hug.

"Happy anniversary, my love." Draven greeted her, still holding her in his grasp. "I love you so much."

"One year official, my love. And I'm happy to spend it with you." Hermione said, looking at her boyfriend's eyes. She was happily and lovingly gazing at him. But she can see something more in his eyes like he was... a bit fazed. "Are you feeling okay, love?"

Draven realized that she may have noticed what bothers him and he quickly nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine, love. Don't need to worry about me."

The Slytherin boy gave the rose to her which made Hermione smile and kiss his cheek.

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