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"So, we'll be making a new atmospheric charm. Any idea that you have in mind?" Draven asked his project partner, Celeste. They were inside their common room and to be honest, he wanted that this project to be over in no time.

"I've read books in Beauxbatons' library before, so I have an idea in some of those spells," Celeste told him.

"Great. Well, tomorrow let's start gathering all of the details about atmospheric charms. Professor Flitwick also said that we need to conjure something related to our chosen topic." He explained. "I have some charms in mind and I can do it on the day of our presentation."

Draven was about to stand up when Celeste held the hem of his shirt. He stopped and turned at her.

"Draven, I..." Celeste paused, thinking of the right words to say. She's unsure of what she is doing but the thing is, she just wanted to be with the Slytherin boy for a while. Just for a while.

"Hey, do you need to say something?" He questioned her gently. "We can talk about the project tomorrow, Cel. You go now to your dorm and we'll see each other bright and early."

Celeste was feeling giddy from how Draven spoke to her. It's no wonder why she fell for him. The sweet demeanor that he has, the charming personality, and all that. She could even write a list about how she adored this particular Malfoy and it won't even fit in a single parchment.

"O-Okay." She said, quickly letting go of the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah. Good night." He spoke and started to walk away towards his room.

'Maybe it's alright. Maybe this would work.' Celeste's thoughts came in. Daphne is only waiting for her answer and once she gave her that, the plan will be in action.


Jasper and Hermione were both searching at the library early in the morning before their classes start.

"Find something about concealment charms, I think I read about a spell named Nebulus. I think we can use it for the presentation." Hermione told Jasper.

"Alright. Books about charms got it." He muttered and looked for some shelves at some sections. "Charms, charms... Oh yeah, here we go."

Once Jasper collected all the possible references that they can use, he walked towards Hermione who was struggling to pick a book on a high shelf. He then placed the books he picked on the table and went to her.

"Sometimes, it is not bad to ask for help in these kinds of things, Hermione." He jested and help her reach the book.

Draven was also in the library, looking for some references about the project that he'll be doing with Celeste when he saw two familiar people who seemed to be near. He then recognized them as Jasper and Hermione. He felt intrigued seeing them as he walked towards them.

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now