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Hermione arrived at the abandoned classroom, waiting for Draven. She doesn't have a clue why did her boyfriend ask her to come here at 6:30. Since no one greeted her today for her 18th birthday, she just wanted to spend time with her books and assignments. She is also brooding about how her friends and even her boyfriend didn't remember what day is today. It doesn't hurt to check the calendar, right?

Just then, she heard that the door opened a bit. Hermione peeked inside. The room is dark, and it seemed like there was nothing to look at. As she was about to close it, the lights turned on...


The Gryffindor girl almost had a heart attack when balloons and some party poppers went off the place.

'HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY HERMIONE!' the banner read. She then realized that they never forget, they knew it was her birthday all along.

"Happy birthday, Hermione." Harry greeted and gave her a friendly kiss on her cheek. "I hope we surprised you well."

"Happy birthday to my girl best friend!" Ginny squealed and hugged her. "Did you think that we forgot your birthday?"

"Happy birthday, Mione," Ron said, giving her a quick hug. He then whispered to her ear. "Don't blame us, blame your boyfriend who planned all of this stuff."

Jasper was also there since Draven invited him. "Goodness Hermione, it's your birthday today. I just knew it now. Happy birthday!"

Draco was also there, giving Hermione a small nod. "Happy Birthday, Granger."

"Welcome to legality, Granger!" Theo greeted excitedly and then spoke softly so that Mr. Granger won't hear since Draven told him that her parents still doesn't know about their relationship. "This was all your boyfriend's idea. He was nagging us since last week to prepare all of this."

Hermione then noticed that they are all wearing formal attire. Even Harry and Ron are in their dress robes, and Ginny wears a dress too. "Why are you all wearing like that?"

"It's because we have another surprise for you..." Ginny said, and the five of them stepped aside as Hermione saw Draven also looking dashing in his blue dress robes, together with her Mum and Dad, holding a box.

"Hi, Hermione," Draven said to her and whispered something. "I almost said, my love but I remembered that your parents are here."

She chuckled and pushed him lightly.

"Happy birthday, my daughter..." Mrs. Granger said, giving her the box that has a wonderful red dress.

"Your friends invited us here, saying that they would want us to be here in your magical school to celebrate your 18th year in the world." Mr. Granger hugged his daughter. "Happy birthday, Hermione."

The bushy browned-haired girl couldn't believe this is happening as she smoothened and fixed her dress. Her parents are here in Hogwarts, and her boyfriend prepared her a surprise 18th birthday. She knew that Draven has no idea how Muggles celebrate debuts but she saw the effort he made.

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now