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"Did Hermione just yank you a while ago in Snape's class?" Theo asked Draven, who seemed to be still lost in thought about what happened.


"Malfoy, don't be a childish prat." Hermione hissed as she pulled Draven's necktie wrapped around his neck.

The Slytherin boy was shocked as his face went inches closer to her but it seems like Hermione didn't mind. She was busy fixing his tie.

Draven hoped that Hermione won't hear how much his heart is racing uncontrollably as it would fucking explode... He also had a nicer view of her face up close.

Her chocolate brown eyes, that whenever he looks at it, he's drowning... He's mesmerized by how beautiful her eyes are.

Her perfectly pointed nose, which he loves to poke just to annoy her. The real reason is... He just wanted to appreciate that nose of hers.

Her soft, pink lips... That whenever she hears her laugh in the Great Hall is music to his ears. Whenever she talks and answers to their professors, is a melody to him. That whenever it tells him to leave her alone, will only be the moment that she spoke directly to him and him alone...

He controlled his breathing so that she won't notice that he was nervous.

"There. All done. See? Is it tight?" Hermione asked him, her chocolate brown eyes glancing at her and since he's taller than her, she's looking up at him.

"I-It's fine." Draven stuttered a bit. "But you don't have to do that, Granger."

"Too late. I'm done doing it, Malfoy."


"Did that just happen?" Draven finally found his voice. He was quiet throughout the D.A.D.A class. He can't even raise his hand to answer Snape's questions.

"Finally! The man of the hour has spoken." Theo raised his hands in the air, looking like an idiot to the students in the corridor.

"I can't believe it happened. That was the closest..." Draven is finding words to describe what he wanted to say. "... to heaven."

"Granger whipped you out." Draco shook his head and smiled at his brother. "I love seeing you like that. Like you would do anything for her."

"I fucking would, Draco," Draven said to him.

"But why did you push her away from a while ago as well?" He asked his brother.

"I... I'm still hurting, I suppose. Like, she just treats me like her batchmate sucks. Then do those things..." Draven exclaimed and sighed. "I don't know. I think I shouldn't have done that."

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now