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Jasper told Seamus and Dean that he will just explore Hogsmeade more and the two Gryffindor boys allowed him to. He was walking through the snowy village when he saw a familiar girl at the viewing point of an abandoned shack. He quickly realized that it was Hermione, and she seems to be waiting for someone.

"Hey, Hermione." He called him and saw that she turned her head to see him.

"Jasper. What are you doing here?"

"Nah, just exploring the village alone. You know, try to enter different shops and the likes." He then noticed that Draven is not with her. "Where's Draven?"

"Oh, he's with Celeste. Helping find Theo, she seemed to be lost and Draven—" Hermione was immediately cut off by Jasper.

"Being Draven helped her. Yeah, that sounds like my childhood friend." He chuckled. "So yeah, any thoughts about it?"

"It's fine..." She mumbled, fiddling her hands and Jasper saw that too.

"You're not fine. You're nervous." The new Gryffindor boy said, pointing to her fiddling hands. "It's a body language, Hermione. And your face says the direct opposite of fine."

"I'm..." She sighed in defeat. "Yeah, I'm not that fine but I understand why. Sometimes, being understanding is what you need, and just look at the other side of things."

"I do agree." Jasper nodded, and then stopped by to appreciate the view of the Shrieking Shack. "It looks haunted."

"Yeah, severely haunted place in Great Britain." The bushy browned-haired girl said. "This is also the same place where Draven and I almost kissed."

"Whoa? Almost kissed? Well, I bet it's Draven who made the first move, am I right?" Jasper looked at her and seeing Hermione shake her head, he raised his eyebrows. "No way? You did?"

"I was in the influence of Butterbeer, and it's an excuse." Hermione defended herself quickly as she started telling the story to him. Jasper was laughing while listening to her.

"That was messed up! Luckily, Draven here didn't die of romantic excitement. Damn, that's one for the books." The black-haired boy said to her. "Oh, I wish my girlfriend is here too. But the thing is, she's the one who had a crush on me first."

Hermione glanced at him. "Really? I don't see why?"

"Whoa there, Granger. You are hurting my feelings right now? Don't you think I'm good-looking? Well, of course, Draven's on top of the list. Could I just be part of the top 5? Or top 10?" Jasper joked.

"Okay, fine with me. But please, don't let your head get too big." She told him, seeing that he sighed in relief made her chuckle.

"If my girlfriend would visit here someday, I will introduce you to her. I think you'll get along with each other."

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now