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Tomorrow is Hermione's 18th birthday. Draven already planned everything, from the venue which was approved by Professor McGonagall, and the whole surprise. He already finished all the decorations so that Hermione won't have any idea that something is going on. Luckily, Theo and Draco were there to help together with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. It's the first time that Gryffindors and Slytherins are helping each other in one room.

"This is an unusual thing, right? Slytherins are helping us to do these things." Ron said and Ginny glared at him. "What? I was just shocked to see this scene."

"It's because our friend here loves your friend. So, we too, are helping." Theo replied. "Draco, pass me that tape. Going to paste this banner there."

Draco picked up the tape and gave it to Theo. After a while, they're already done admiring the work they did.

"As Harry said, we need to wear dress robes for the occasion. Muggles do wear formal attire, right?" Draven eyed Harry who nodded. "Yep. Okay, thanks for helping guys and I do appreciate you sacrificing your sleeping time."

They all said their goodbyes but Draven decided to stay in the room for a while which Theo and Draco let him be. Once he was alone, he then picked up the painting he made and placed it in the middle. He also prepared one surprise for her. He asked Professor Dumbledore for help if they can invite Hermione's parents to Hogwarts to celebrate their daughter's birthday. Luckily, Mrs. Granger replied and said yes. He was so excited for tomorrow since everything was already planned.


Hermione woke up, squinting her eyes. It's September 19th and she turns 18 now. She saw that her roommates already left her. She did her morning rituals and went down the common room, finding Harry and Ron sitting together.

"Good morning." She cheerily said.

"Good morning too, Hermione," Ron said back and Harry did the same too.

It was quite odd... Harry and Ron didn't greet her back. Well, maybe they forgot what day is today.

"You're going to have breakfast now?" Harry asked her.

"Yeah. Draven must be waiting for me. I'll see you guys later in class." Hermione waved them goodbye and started walking out of the common room.

But there was no sign of Draven Malfoy in the Great Hall. Jasper saw her walking and offered her a seat next to her. "Hermione! Here."

Hermione then walked towards Jasper who was already eating his breakfast. "Hey, Jas. Have you seen Draven?"

Jasper shook his head. "Nope. I haven't seen him. Even Draco. Which was weird because Theo and the gang are already there, having breakfast."

The bushy browned-haired girl saw Theo with the other Slytherins, eating their food.

"Wait here, I'll just ask Theo." She walked towards the Slytherin table and Theo immediately felt her presence.

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now