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After the project, Draven started to avoid Celeste in the common room, or even when passing by the hallway. The Slytherin girl noticed it, and she knew that he is avoiding her after what she did. It's only a hug, why would he evade her because of a simple hug?

"So? Are we going to do it?" Daphne asked her.

"Yeah. After holidays. Let them have it for a while. I can still wait." Celeste said, sipping her tea. "Are you sure this will work?"

"Of, course. It's brilliant. And it will not just be in your benefit, I also too, will gain from this." The other Slytherin girl spoke and they both shared a laugh.

Celeste was confident that she has someone who sides with her. She can't wait for next month.


"Where are you staying for the holidays, Draven?" Harry asked the Slytherin boy who was now with them at their table. It'll be a few days until the holiday break. "Dad and Mum wanted to invite you again, said that you're a great guy and Uncle Sirius even spoke highly of you. We would love you to be with us again."

"I think I'll be with Uncle Sirius again. And yeah, thanks for the invite, Harry but I have other plans." Draven said, looking at Hermione who was smiling while taking a bite on her food. She already knew where he'll celebrate Christmas even if he won't say any word.

"That's great. I hope you'll have a great time." Harry added.

Draven looked at Hermione who seemed to be done eating as she was applying something on her lips. She was damping it on her mouth.

"What's that?" He asked her, pointing at the thing Hermione is holding. It looks like a stick, with some shiny ball on top of it. He's not entirely sure.

"Oh, this? Lip balm." Hermione said to him.

"Lip balm? What's that for?" His Muggle curiosity is working right now.

"So that I won't have chapped or dry lips." She explained and look at the lip balm again. "It has flavors, well this one's strawberry I think."

"Oh, so it's for dry lips..." He nodded. "Can I try?"

"Oh, okay..." She offered him the lip balm. "I can teach you how to put it if you want."

But instead of getting the lip balm from Hermione's hand, Draven has other things in mind as he leaned and kissed her on the lips which made the Gryffindor girl's eyes wide open in surprise. She didn't have the chance to react. He tasted the strawberry flavor of the lip balm she was talking about, and she was right too. Her lips were much more kissable, as he parted away from her. Hermione was shocked, that she felt her heart rapidly beating from that sudden kiss.

"Yeah. It does tastes strawberry. And thanks, I feel like my lips aren't chapped anymore." He sweetly replied as she was still processing what happened.

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now