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It's Hogsmeade day today, which means students who are in 3rd year and above are allowed to visit the picturesque village. And, winter just came. Draven wore his emerald green overcoat, with a thick black sweater underneath. He also wrapped his neck with a Slytherin scarf. His black pants completed the look together with brown Dr. Martens boots.

He met Theo and Draco on the way, as the snowfalls.

"Looking savvy, Mr. Malfoy huh? Looking for someone?" Theo nudged his shoulder, teasing him.

"Shut up, Nott or you will not be able to live tomorrow." Draven threatened him and he quickly zipped his mouth. "Good."

Yes, he is looking for a particular Gryffindor girl, with brown hair, who looks like an angel. His eyes are searching everywhere, hoping that he could have a glimpse of her. They will have their remedial session tomorrow afternoon, that's what she said to him.

"Still doesn't see her?" Draco said to his brother and Draven shook his head.

"Do you fancy Butterbeer?" Draven asked out of nowhere. "Come on, my treat."

"Then let's go." Theo pulled the Malfoy twins towards the snowy trail and reached Three Broomsticks.

"Lots of students hanging around here," Draco whispered, and noticed someone that would make Draven pleased. "Bro, look..."

Draven turned his head to where Draco was pointing and saw the figure of the brown-haired girl, sitting alone and looking like waiting for someone.

"Good eye, Draco." Draven smiled, patting the shoulder of his twin.

"Just admit that I'm better than you are, Draven," Draco said to him and pushed him lightly. "Go, I'll stick with Nott here."

Draven fixed his hair, acting consciously while walking towards Hermione's table. She's reading a book. He gently tapped her shoulder. "Hey."

The Gryffindor girl looked at him. "Hi."

"Waiting for someone?" Draven asked and eyed the pub. "Harry and Ron perhaps?"

"Oh, they are both with their girlfriends. And I just decided to stay here, not prying on their double date." Hermione told him, as Madam Rosmerta placed a glass of Butterbeer on her table. "Thank you."

"Madam Rosmerta, I'll have one too, please." Draven flashed his boyish smirk to the old caretaker of the pub. He then quickly sat in front of Hermione's table.

"What are you doing?" Hermione muttered as she looked around the place, checking if some people are watching, or even gossiping about them.

"I'm sitting here with you. Since Harry and Ron both have their dates, then let me date you." Draven said, and he realized how it sounded. "Oh. I mean, let me join you."

TROUVAILLE // H.Granger x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now