Freedom Fighters

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It was getting worse. Your sickness had gotten so bad we had to land near a fire nation camp so you could rest. Even though you insisted you were okay nobody believed you. You tried to sleep but every time you dozed off all you saw was Zuko. You looked at you burned arm. It was just one scar that took up your entire arm to save Zuko. You saved Zuko, and he hated you for a year after the banishment.
"Zuko-" you started talking to him to call him for tea and dinner.
"Don't talk to me! I'm not hungry." Zuko snapped. You were sick and tired of how he treated you like crap.
"Well you obviously are. We have both been out here for a year. And Im guessing it'll be another few years before we find the Avatar. So get over yourself." You snapped back at him. He looked shocked that you a tiny 13 year old had told him off when he was now 14 and a talented bender.
"You have no right to talk to me like that!" Zuko yelled. You glared at him. You were a very talented water bender who could most likely take on the Banished Prince who took bending as more rage than spirit.
"I have every right! You and I are equals now and you should treat me as such. I don't care about you stupid Daddy issues and honor. I was only a servant for so long to find my Mother. Not to worship a 13 year old dipstick." You yelled at him noticing his stance. He was going to burn you. You sat down and looked him in the eye as he blasted flames at you. Your feet now have scars from those burns.
"You believe we are equals, then why don't you show me what my equal fights for." Zuko glared as you stood up and got into a stance of your own creating fog in the room water bending all the water like Zuko's tea and freezing it shooting the ice darts and knocking him down. Then you removed the fog back into water and freezing Zuko's limbs to the floor.
"I fight for my family. I fight for my bending. I fight for people like Iroh. I fight for my country." You whispered before unfreezing Zuko and walking out.
Current day.
Before you realized it you were awake and feeling a little better. But then you looked up at Aang, Katara, and Sokka who had circled around you protectively. But then the all to familiar people leapt out and beat all of the fire nation that had surrounded you. During the fight Katara had helped you up and when their leader flew past she blushed and he obviously noticed so he flirted right back at her.
"Kat of your just going to stand around flirting just drop me." You said making gagging sounds. Katara let you go and you stood on your own. You summoned a bunch of water and crashed it down over everyone including the freedom fighters. When it was over they all looked at you outraged.
"Thank you for the help but we should go now." You announced. The entire team disagreed. You sighed and let yourself be lead to a bunch of trees. When they noticed you.
"Is that her? Is that seriously our old Black Lily." One called out as you airbended yourself up to the branches. The place hasnt changed a bit since you left. You and Zuko helped these people out last year for a few months before leaving. You looked down to see Katara and Jet having a moment. You held the locket from your mom to your chest in remembrance. How you thought it was impossible but yet there your big brother was.

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