The Moon

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Everyone stared at you and YuAy. You had to admit she did make you look pretty good. The party was decorated perfectly.  You danced with a few guys but mainly messed around with Kat and YuAy. But the sirens had to go off. It was a horrible sound. The crash of the ice walls around the civilization. Zuko had to be here somewhere. You ran to the wall to see a ball of fire heading for you. You put it out barely in time. The moon began to rise. The attacks stopped. Iroh you knee his work when it was in front of you. Hope sparked as you realized that Zuko could be here somewhere. You followed Kat and YuAy to her spirit place. Aang began meditating. You watched him curiously as he sat in an odd position. His arrow began to glow and you knew he made it. He was getting help. Half way through the night though a blast of fire blew over your head. YuAy left with Sokka. Zuko blasted at Katara. He stopped when he saw you still in your party wear. You put him in an ice cage. You looked at him tracing your fingers over his scar. You let out a shaky breath.
"Zuko. Aang is going to stay with us." You sighed stepping close to him
"No. He is going with me." Zuko hissed angrilly.
"You know I have been sick. I  have a fatal disease and I am going to heal myself now." You waved off his in said threat.
"What?!_  You need to cone with me. So we can heal you!" Zuko snapped worriedly. You unfroze him and hr wrapped his arms around you. You looked into his gorgeous amber eyes.  You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips. He looked so shocked. You turned and he grabbed your arm and spun you around. Hr pulled you close by your waist and kissed you passionately. You kissed him back of course. But it is Zuko so hr had to grab Aang and sprint off after knocking out Katara. You followed him of course. You followed him into the tundra. Zuko ran for a cave and you ran after him. Of course hr wasn't thrilled about you.
"You are not safe!" Zuko objected as you warmed up by the fire he created.
"And you are?!" You snapped back at him ad he tied Aang up. He put an arm around d you and pulled you close and kissed your forehead.
"I van fire bend. I can stay warn. You can't." Zuko whispered into your hair.
"I am fine.  You objected. Then the cave lit up in a flash and Appa landed out side. You grabbed Aang and gave him to them. But you didn't get on. You bended the snow to hid e you as you disappeared. You could hear their cries of horror. But soon they faded. You traveled under snow till suddenly you couldn't bend. The snow caved in around you and you began to suffocated. You tried to break the snow and failed.
" Zuko I love you so much. I'm sorry" You screamed when the snow melted. The entire tundra was red and the moon was gone. You looked at Zuko in horror. But the moon csmr back and you felt your heart break a little more. YuAy. She died and became the moon as crazy as it seems. You ran from Zuko quickly. You knew Aang had to learn earth bending too so you ran for the great city of Ba Sing Se. You had to call in a favor from a certain blind friend.

BAM! BEST BOOK ENDING EVER. BOOK TWO WITHIN THE MONTH OF MAY. I loved book 1 of I have decided  7. I need a title for book 2 so comment and vote. For all I know book 2 could come out tomorrow. Have fun with a cliffhanger!! Yes it is the one and only Toph!!!!

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