Agni Kai

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6 years later.
You had been water the royal garden when they approached you. You had been a servant for so long and started off so disrespectful you had burns all across your back and face. You were the youngest and only bender of all the servants but Azula hated you none the least. She and all the palace except Iroh knew didn't know you could bend and you thought it best that way. They would turn you into a weapon of they found out you could bend two elements. Water and air. Only Iroh knew and that's because you trusted the old man. He came to visit the palace once and caught you bending, it made sense to trust the man though. He was peaceful and kind. Azula, Ty-Lee, and Mai.
"You there servant. I demand you come and play a game with us." Azula snapped pointing a finger at you. Half of you wanted to keep watering but you knew she'd burn you. You bowed barely low enough. They always caught your little acts of rebellion and punished you. You watched them one by one do cartwheels. Mai didn't do one she just sat and watched. When it was your turn (after Azula fell) you did one perfectly. Ty-Lee clapped for you. Azula let out an angry huff till Zuko and The Fire Queen walked past. The Princess ran to them. You could her begging her mom to make Zuko play a game with the group. You guessed Zuko's arrival was your dismissal. So you began to leave when you saw Azula light an apple of fire when it was on top of Mai's head. Without thinking you used water from the fountain to put it out when Zuko was a foot away from saving Mai. They all looked at you in horror.
"BENDER!" Mai screamed. Guards approached you and circled around you escorting the royals away. You began to defend yourself making some water into your armor. They began to bend at you. You blocked their attacks pretty well. Then when they closed in, you only made the situation worse by using airbending to blow them back away from you. The number of guards tripled. Alarms sounded and people scattered. After you got tire you just sat down and made an ice dome around you to buy you some time while you made a small hurricane and when they broke through the storm was fairly large and blew them around a little. They tried to fight but ended up collapsing in exhaustion. I ended the storm and watched as Iroh appeared.
"Oh (YN) what have you done?" He asked.

A few weeks later.
You had been released from prison to see something in the arena. Something important that apparently had to do with you. You were given the closest seat to the area where whoever would be fighting. You covered your mouth in horror whwlen Zuko was thrown into the ring and his own father stood above. You stood when they began to fight. Zuko only dodged never firing back till he was hit.
"Get up Zuko. Face your punishment like a man." The FireLord screamed creating a ball of fire in his hand. You leapt over the bar and leapt in front of the Prince. But you couldn't fully protect him. Your entire arm had been lit on fire. The FireLord wasn't happy so he fired again and you blasted him with air creating an air globe around Zuko and you. But you had to get tired sooner or later. But you fought on till The FireLord just gave up. The leader of my least favorite nation. Stopped firing.
"Come back when you have the avatar. Otherwise you both will never regain your honor." The FireLord yelled. Iroh helped us out treating our wounds before leaving with us out of the palace. We began to walk. We didn't know where we were going, just that we were leaving to find the Avatar.

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