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You cringed at Katara and Sokka's harsh words .
"I knew I should have never trusted you!" Sokka screamed at Aang. Never has Aang looked more like a little kid than now.
"I thought you cared enough to see the light in what we are doing Aang. It is our family we are trying to save!" Katara protested tears in her eyes. You snapped at her anger taking over.
"He is trying to save the whole damn world. What makes you think he didn't care? He did this cause he cared so much he didn't want to lose you. You all are such idiots to not see Aang's love for you two!” You snapped at them. Both of them were in shock at your angry outburst.
"When did you stick up for Aang? You used to hunt him!" Sokka yelled. You stepped towards Sokka angrilly and you were all up in his biz.
"When the fate of the world depended on him. Nothing depends on you because you are-" you started when Sokka shoved you to the ground. You stood and got in a fighting stance. You saw the anger in Sokka's eyes turn to regret.
"I am so sorry (YN)!" Sokka apologized. You eased from your stance.
"I unlike you ungrateful brats am going with the Avatar to teach and learn Water bending at the North Pole." You spat with venom. Katara looked about to cry. Bato put one arm around Kat another around Sokka and they left anger in all their eyes. Aang looked sad and mad and confused. You gripped his hand and intertwined your fingers.
"Aang you are basically my brother.  I know how much you loved Kat but Katara isn't very bright sometimes. Neither is Sokka." When you said Sokka you touched the cut on your cheek. Aang placed his hand over yours.
"You are like my big sister. It is only fair I protect you too." Aang said sweetly. The wind blew in your face and your heart stopped when you smelled that familiar scent of burning brown sugar. Zuko. You heard Katara scream and raced for the woods where they took off. As you raced down the path you were swept off your feet my Zuko. You saw his smirk and airbended him off the mole thingy you were on. Unfortunately he took you with him.
"(YN)! Your okay!" Zuko exclaimed. You heart rate sped up when he said your name and the butterflies in your belly were going crazy. But heart is what shocked you. It lifted from the bottom of your chest.
"Of course I'm okay! What about Katara and Sokka though?!" You snapped at him. His amber eyes sparked in longing.
"What happened to your cheek?" Zuko asked concerned. He placed his hand on your cheek lightly. And you couldn't help but fall into his hug and sob. You missed him so much but you could never have him.

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