Going Crazy

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This chapter is for leilani890 the newest member of our Zuko loving family. Welcome her with great love!
Zuko's p.o.v.
"Why can't I stop thinking about her?!" I asked my Uncle pacing the room. I pictured her in my mind and it made my heart flutter.
"Zuko. I have told you this before when she went missing for two days. You love her." My Uncle rasped. At the word love I felt my heart speed up and my face turn red.
"No. That is impossible." I objected. I cannot get attached to her. I have to let her go.
"Zuko, you are a human being. Not a monster. You are allowed to have feelings." My Uncle rasped. I looked at the necklace in my hand. The necklace of the water tribe girl. Katara as (YN) had said.
"But I have known her since I was 7! I can't exactly feel that way without ruining our friendship!" I protested. My Uncle chuckled.
"Looks like you have quite the delema on your hands. Remember that one woman on the mole thingy? Maybe she could track down your lost partner." My Uncle chuckled. He looked surprised when I nodded in agreement. We need to find her and bring her home. I felt my heart beat strong and fast as I thought about her. I remember the first day we met.
I watched with interest as the soldiers carried a little girl. She was asleep in one soldiers arms. She looked innocent till her eyes shot open. Her eyes were filled with such sadness and rage it surprised me. I watched as she leapt out of the soldiers arms. Running for the fountain in the garden nearby. I saw her water bend before Grandpa Sozin picked her up and scolded her. She stuck her tounge out at him making me laugh.
"Zuko. Come here boy. I need you to come show this girl the servant quaters." My Grandpa snapped at me. I ran and took her wrist and running off with her. She kept up pretty well for a girl I guess.
"I'm Prince Zuko! What's your name?" I greeted when we reached the bottom if the stairwell.
"My name is (YN). I won't be here long. I am going to break out of this hell hole soon enough." She said sassily. I laughed when she put her hands on her hips. For a six year old she sure put up a fight. My Mother must've heard us because she came down the stairs my three year old sister Azula in her arms.
"Hello Mother. Meet (YN)! She is a new Servant and Grandpa Sozin told me to show her to her quarters." I introduced my new friend. I watched as she bowed to my Mom.
"A servant? Really? She seems much to pretty for that." My Mom scoffed. I couldn't help but take in the girl before me. Her (HC) hair in two adorable ponytails And her (EC) orbs filled with curiosity at the sight of my Mom. I nodded in agreement.
"Zuko, can you give me a tour of the palace? Please?" She asked quietly. My Mom beamed and nodded answering for me. She left and I gave her a tour showing her the best places to hide during hide seek and where to not hide. I saw longing in her eyes once. The time she saw water. But that day was easily one of my favorites with her.
Current day.
I didn't realize I was crying till a tear fell onto my hand. I need her back. I can't go on like this. She is most likely off being adored by the Avatar and Katara's brother. Oh my Sozin, I have to save her from that nightmare!!!

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