North Pole

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You groaned as Appa just floated on the water's surface instead.
"__O hate to be the one to complain but can Appa fly any higher?" Sokka complained loudly.
"Okay he is tired from flying for two days straight. How about we fly on your back!" Aang snapped at Sokka. Sokka stood and shook his butt.
"Well climb aboard Sokka is ready for flight!" Sokka exclaimed dramatically. When ice slid at you guys and Appa was froze in the water.
"We found them. The northern water tribe." Katara stated in amazment. You could only nod in agreement as Appa floated into their city.
"Its beautiful here." Sokka said staring at the princess. YuAy you think her name is. You and herused to be friends even though you were a day younger than her.
"Smooth Sokka. Just control yourself." You teased him. When you entered the palace with Aang everyone was amazed at him.
"Today we celebrate the avatars return and my daughter's birthday. For she is now of marrying age." The cheif spoke and everyone cheered. You would be of that age tomorrow. You knew YuAy would remember and want to throw a party or something.
"Tomorrow is also my good friend (YN)'a birthday. We party tonight in both our and the Avatar's honor." YuAy announced everyone cheered even louder. When it was over you were whisked away by tailor's and YuAy. It had disaster written all over it but you let them measure and sew you an outfit much to YuAy's approval. When they were done you were I'm s horgeus blue white and gold dress in the picture. You let YuAy do you your hair in a French braid she called it.  She did your make up and talked about her marriage and Zuko. When she said Sokka was kinda cute you nearly threw up. YuAy didn't find it funny till she burst out laughing. You walked down the hallway arm in arm till she brought you to the one place you needs most. The healer's hut. You let the healer wash you in healing water so it didn't ruin your outfit.
"Oh honey. I can't heal you." The healer said suddenly.
"What do you mean?!" You cried out.
"I mean only you can heal this. You my dear suffer from a broken heart." The old woman said slowly. You back away in shock. A broken heart? This was awful. Rarely anyone survived. BT. You were going to. You were determined to survive. You g girls began to fliter through the doorway. A healing class. Great. Half way through though Katara burst through obviously angry. She looked at you in shock and she said you have never looked more beautiful. YuAy lead you out. You wanted to crawl into s hole and cry till your heart healed itself. You knew it was Zuko. You have never loved anyone as much as you loved him and it hurt. But you helped decorate the palace anyway despite all your pain.

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