Penguin Sledding

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You woke to the sound of people laughing and talking. You opened your eyes to see your old home. You covered your mouth pulling your knees to your chest. You began to cry. This was horrible memories of you and Kat coming inside to play with dolls and have a sleepover. Then the way the soldiers killed your mom after you left. The way Sokka would come over to teach you self-defense. The way the men left to fight. The way your Dad used to pick you up and throw you into the air. You sobbed harder but tried to keep quiet. A minute later you suddenly stopped getting off your bed. Your strong, memories can't hurt you forever. You told yourself as you stumbled out of the igloo to see Katara and the Avatar run over a hill chasing a penguin you giggled and decided to go after them. Nobody saw you thank god. When you reached the flock you saw The boy stumbling after one of the penguins. You giggled as you approached them. When you walked over to them The Avatar stood between you and Kat.
"What did you do to Zuko?" You asked Katara looking into her narrowed blue orbs.
"He ran off with his Uncle. They left. I mean we forced them off." Katara snapped. She was usually so kind. The Avatar was now in a fighting stance.
"Go ahead Avatar. I most likely deserve it." You said honestly and opened my arms for an open shot. You weren't blasted back by air but by a rather angry force of water. You stood up and watched Katara send another wave of shaky water your way. She wasn't exactly as trained as you thought she'd be so you easily blocked it. "Come on Kat. Weren't you trained?" You asked dodging another wave of water before sending a small ball her way knocking her down.
"Let Katara go." The Avatar said seriously.
"I'm not exactly holding her down." You shrugged turning to the arrowheaded boy.
"Hey, you still hurt her!" The Avatar snapped protectively.
"Looks like someone has a crush." You teased making the Avatar blush.
"I only just met her!" The Avatar objected making you laugh.
"Well come on then, both of you." You started to walk into the center of the flock.
"Wait where?" Katara asked following behind you carefully.
"Well you said you wanted to go penguin sledding, right?" You grinned and the Avatar grinned back. You took a small fish and held it up till one penguin decided to be your friend. You waited for Kat and her 'boyfriend' found their penguins before taking off. Together you slide down hills till the Avatar ramped over you and Katara. You laughed as you went into an icey tunnel going in sways nearly directly sideways. By the time you had stopped your hair was strewn across your face. You guys were at the base of a fire navy ship.
"Let's go in!" The Avatar suggested. And for once you felt a spark of hope, that this boy could actually save the world.

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