An Avatar to Save part 2

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You woke up sitting up quickly in a bedroom with fire nation symbols every where. You wanted to throw up. You quickly got out of bed looking at yourself in the mirror. You realized you wore something of Zuko's. It was his favorite undershirt. You lifted it up and saw a huge scar on your stomach. You dropped the shirt and pulled on a pair of black harem pants that lay at the bottom of the bed. You saw your hair was out of its braid you had left it in. And to be honest it was a total mess. You ran your fingers through it and pulled it into a high ponytail before walking well stumbling out of the room.
"I see you are awake." Iroh asked. You wanted to smile and nod but you froze and frowned.
"Yeah, I need to go get Aang." You snapped at him. You were injured but the world needed Aang even more.
"Zuko just left the ship. You will just have to wait." Iroh snapped back. You walked away towards the upper deck. You this ship well still. You stood on the top deck breathing in the great scent of the ocean and a hint of rain. You felt bad about snapping at Iroh but you couldn't really show how much you missed him and Zuko. You knew where Iroh's ship was. So you jumped over board creating a bubble around you so you could breath. You saw Iroh's ship land on short a few miles down and no surprise but the blue spirit got off the ship too. He snuck into the prison. You couldn't help but follow. As you limped into the prison quickly following the spirit. You watched as guards freak out over frogs and the spirit took them out. You saw hope that Aang could be save after all. You walked into Aangs prison behind him waving at the Avatar who grinned at you till the spirit took out his swords. That's when Aang began to scream like a three year old on helium. But the spirit freed him.
"I got it from here." You said honestly, did the spirit believe you? Nope. I stead he shook his head handed the Avatar his glider and began to lead them out. But of course they were discovered half way up the wall. You Aang and the spirit all landed gracefully. Well you didn't you wobbled a little but landed non the less.
"Well if it isn't Zuko's Princess?" Admiral Jow grinned at you. You cough and spat blood on Jow's shoe.
"I am nobody's princess." You snapped water bending an ice sword into your hands. But the spirit grabbed Aang and held the swords as his neck. You watched them open the gates and the spirit walk out. You followed making the entire floor ice in case they had any funny business planned. The spirit didn't release Aang till you were almost to the forest. You heard the whistle before they did. The arrow skimmed literally between your fingers and it knocked the Spirit's mask off. Flames erupted around them. Aang began to fly off. But you saw who it was. It was Zuko himself. You picked up his mask and him and began to speed off into the woods knowing Aang would find you eventually. Once Zuko.was settled and asleep Aang showed up.
"Why did he save me?" Aang asked quietly.
"You even give him hope. Why wouldn't he save you?" You answered instantly. Then out of nowhere Zuko fired off a shot and you picked up some new frozen frogs for Katara and Sokka before gliding off. Once they were cured which made you laugh when the frogs hopped out of their mouths. You began to head off to a new stopping point. Some where Xulo won't find you

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