Fire Festival.

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You decided to land a little ways away from the Fire Nation colony where the festival was being held. You thought that if this wasn't being held in the fire nation it could have been fun. You all got off to get into your disguises. Once your hood was up you tossed a fee treats to MoMo and Appa. But your serious mood was ruined when you saw Aang with his t shirt over his head you had to laugh.
"Your like a whole nother person." Sokka said sarcastically. You haven't gotten better. You only have gotten sicker. It got worse by a whole nother level when you shipped Jet off to Ba Sing Se. When you got to the festival people wore masks after masks. You found a fire nation outfit and wore that since you weren't as known as Katara, Sokka, and Aang were. Soon we found an area where Katara was taken on stage. You watched as the performer began to bend. Aang disappeared some where and you only thought he went to the bathroom. You watched as the fire got to close for your liking. You leapt onto the stage and used air bending to blast it away from your best friend. Everyone gasped.
"That girl is the Avatar!" Someone shouted. You face palmed.
"No I am not. Do you see any arrows on my face?!" You exclaimed.
"But you air bended?!" A woman called out.
"Okay I am half avatar you see?"  You explained then the guards ran out at you. You grabbed Kat and Sokka searching for Aang. When you saw him he was yelling for you all to follow him. So you did. You followed his footsteps quickly  and even fought a few of the guards away. When you stopped next to Aang you saw a little village. You knew this village well. This is where now Admiral Jow (spelling?) Was taught fire bending. You winced as people screamed at the sight of you. Katara looked at you questioningly.
" I came here with Zuko a while back. Things happened to me. Zuko didn't like them so he freaked." You explained quickly.
"It's okay everyone we are here with the Avatar!" A cloaked man called out. Everyone calmed down instantly at the sight of Aang goofing off.
"What is the Black Lily doing here?" An all to familiar low voice asked. Your skin got goosebumps as you turned and saw an old 'friend.'
"Well, Tyler. I am here to help. Not harm. That was Zuko last time." You snapped at the guy. He was tall with shaggy black hair and electric blue eyes.
"All because I kissed you too. You know you are a lot thinner and you look sick." Tyler smirked as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"You know he never explained to me what that was about anyways." You shrugged.  Then you heard him yell.
"I told you to not bring him here!" It was Jyong Jyong himself.

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