Broken Promises

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Zuko's p.o.v.
"Uncle, she made a promise!" I yelled angrilly. She left me for a freaking 12 year old boy. Me I am a man. I am someone she deserves. But nope she chose the bald kid with an arrow on his face. I have a mark on my face too! She can't protect the avatar and the waterbender at the same time. Plus I know (YN) wouldn't hurt me. I knew she felt awful about dropping from our honor quest she called it. I miss her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her determination. Her hair. The way she always smell like fresh morning dew and stormy wind. The way she incorporated all the elements in her bending. Its like she's her own version of the Avatar. In her way its like she's bringing peace to me instead of the world. What if I'm her world? I began to pace.
"Zuko stop pacing. I miss her to you know." My Uncle rasped. I wanted to burn down every town she wasn't in so I knew where she wasn't. I wanted to seark every inch of every nation. I would find her eventually. She can't run forever. "Zuko you miss her I can tell." Uncle continued wisely.
"Losing her to a twelve year old boy was like getting my scar except twice as bad. Uncle I don't know what to do anymore! I can't eat, sleep, or even blink with out her words popping into my head!" I screamed. I wanted to curl into a ball and sob till they find her. I need her. And I get the feeling she misses me too.
Back to you! ;)
"Who are you? How do you know me?" Suki asked you. You wanted to smack her so she remembered. We had been about 10 when we met but you still remember it.
"Its (YN). You trained me while you were visiting the fire nation palace when we were 10. You promised not to forget me." You told her. Suki's eyes sparked in remembrance. But she still attacked. You blew her air defenses off like they were nothing.
"Well people break promises." Suki snapped her entire team moved in on you. Soon you were bagged and tied up only thinking about how you broke your promise to him. You promised him you'd never leave him. That he needed you and you needed him. That even though he could be a sensitive hot headed jerk, you'd still be there. And he promised he'd never leave you even though according to him you'd need his protection and that you can be a cold brave drama queen he'd still be there. You missed ZuZu. You missed all of the crew. Even the cook who hated you. But as always you missed Zuko and his Uncle. When you woke up you were tied to a wooden pole with Katara, Sokka, and Aang. Aang waved at you grinning making Sokka facepalm as best as he could.
"Kioshe Island is a safe haven protected by our warriors and our old ancestor Avatar Kioshe-" an old man started monologuing.
"Hey I know her!" Aang exclaimed air bending. "I'm the avatar!" He grinned. All the little girls screamed like Loki's FanGirl Army. We were untied and shown a house to stay in. You had a bad feeling. You knew you couldn't stay long, Zuko could find out. But that's sorta what you wanted. You just wanted to hug him one more time.

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