Zuko's Raid

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You woke to the smell of smoke. That familiar horrible scent. You leapt from your bed where you had taken your afternoon nap since you were emotionally and physically drained. When you ran outside it smelled like rotting corpses and smoke. You saw possibly the most heart breaking thing ever. Appa leaving. You knew Kat, Sokka, and Aang were leaving you. You raced through the middle of town only to stop barely in time of a wave of fire that brushed right across your toes.
"Not so loyal now are they?" You heard a familiar old man rasp. Uncle Iroh.
"Iroh, please. You know this is right, I have to teach Katara a little water bending and Aang needs someone to lead them who isn't a meat loving weirdo." You pleaded. You began to move away from him only to get blasted at again. You wanted to fire back but you ran in choppy steps. By the time you had reached the shore Aang was on the Unagi putting out fires. "Aang! Tell Kat I expect her to learn well!" You called to them turning to face the real enemy. Zuko.
"(YN). You are foolish and weak. I was sad at first but now I am glad your gone." Zuko shrugged getting into a fighting stance.
"I'm glad I left too. I don't have to worry over you and your obsessive ways. You need to listen to what you want not what your father believes." You snapped shaking your arms around like noodles before copying his stance.
"My father actually has time to believe. Your father's time ran out a long time ago." Zuko yelled making you a little tense but even more mad though. He shot flames at you and you drowned them out. You pushed a tidal wave at Zuko freezing the part he didn't make evaporate around his feet.
"Zuko stop. This isn't about you." You snapped at him. Jumping over his own wave of fire he sent your way.
"What is it about then, you? The Avatar? That stupid little water bender? Or is it about us?" Zuko grinned at the way you flinched at each of his suggestions before he knocked me down with a huge wave of flames. He stood above you now. You wanted to give up when you started to cough. You turned over and began coughing up blood. You saw Zuko's concern but wiped it from your mind as Appa landed in front of you. You wiped away the blood from your mouth before accepting Sokka's help. When you were on the Bison you noticed Aang on the Unagi putting out fires. Zuko was right, it is about him, about me, about Katara, even about us. You thought. You fell asleep again to the smell of Zuko, the smell of smoke fire and death.

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