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You held a knife in one hand shakily as you hugged Zuko. You held it to his back, you wanted to stab him so bad but you loved him so much. You couldn't think about where you would be now if he had never come along and given you that tour. I would most likely be Azula's servant and have a scar like Zuko's. You felt heat apply to your back. You looked up at Zuko in horror throwing the knife into some bushes. Zuko looked down at you sadness filling his eyes as he unleashed the flames. You screamed as the flames wrapped around you burning your skin. You shoved Zuko away from you and collapsed on the ground sobbing. It hurt to be betrayed by the one you loved. You coughed up more blood than ever.
"Zuko come. The Avatar is here for his friends!" You heard Iroh call out. You lay there crying as you could Snell your burnt flesh.
"What the hell?" You snapped at Zuko through you cries.
"Hurts doesn't it. That is what I felt when you left me. All for a twelve year old boy!" Zuko screamed at you. You felt rage light a fire inside you. You pushed yourself of the ground standing there uneasily. Zuko looked at you in amazement. You airbended him into a tornado and dropped him from a good 20 feet up.
"That's how it felt when you told me you hated me." You snapped speed walking to where Aang would be. When you got there Katara and Aang were bending horrible smelling perfume and the mole creature was going crazy. It struck out at everyone even its rider. When Zuko got there everyone was still except Aang, Katara, and Sokka. They were trying to wake up Iroh and June I think they said.
"Where is she?" Sokka screamed at June you felt your eyes widen when you realized they were looking for you. You started to stumble towards them when Zuko tackled you. You screamed in pain as you felt your ankle snap. Zuko pressed you into the ground on the burned area on your back making you scream even louder.
Katara's p.o.v. (SHOCKER)
I heard her scream and when I saw her it was awful. Her ankle was at an odd angle and her back was burned and scarred horribly. I went to help her but Aang stopped. I heard it then. It made the whole situation much worse. She was crying. She never cried. Not even when she was being taken to the fire nation that day. But here she was full on sobbing under the pressure of Zuko pushing in her burns. I shoved past Aang's staff that blocked my way. I ran to her Sokka behind me. I tackled Zuko off her in an angry flurry I had managed to freeze Zuko to a tree. When I turned I saw Sokka carrying her. I wanted to hug her so bad. especially with her hair sticking to her face with the tears she had shed. I felt responsible. If we had never separated she wouldn't be hurt. I saw the sad enraged look in Sokka's eyes as he placed her onto Appa's back. Not even giving me a chance to heal her.

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