Family Reunion

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"Its been awhile Black Lily. I missed you." Jyong Jyong smirked bowing to you. You bowed back respectfully.
"As to you Jyong Jyong." You smiled. You and him used to be close. Like father and daughter.
"Wait, you know him?" Aang asked like you just told him his mother was a man or something.
"Yeah, he was an amazing meditation buddy." You smiled. Jyong Jyong hugged you quickly. You could feel Tyler's gaze boring into your back.
"Tyler stop glaring, its not nice." Jyong Jyong snapped at the guy breaking the hug.
"(YN) can I talk to you, alone?" Tyler asked his eyes hiding all emotions. You nodded following him into the nearby woods.
"What?" You snapped at him angrilly.
"What happened to you? You are different. Its scary. You used to be so sweet and cold at the same time. Now you seem shut off and broken." Tyler told you. You felt your eyes go wide in shock.
"Because Tyler. I always thought I was tough when in truth I was like glass. And the person who held me carefully dropped me. I shattered and he didn't care. I am sick Ty. I can't explain why though. I cough up blood. I have horrible dreams. I am constantly shaking. And I don't know why!" You explained crying after you told your story.
"It was him wasn't it? That Zuko guy is the one that broke you." Tyler asked quietly. You nodded realizing the truth.
Zuko's p.o.v.
Why did she seem unstable when we fought? Why did she cough up blood? Why do I care?! I was meditating the flames in my candles nearly blew up but I kept them under control.
"Zuko, we have news. Admiral Jow has found the Avatar and is going after him." My Uncle rasped urgently. I knew he would find her with the Avatar and trying to take her from me. A child did that already, I can't let this change be permanent. I haven't slept in weeks since she left me. I remember her saying it my honor she was chasing, that she was just the help when she wasn't. She was my hope. I remember burning down half a village because someone almost stole her from me.
"You know, you are beautiful in every way possible." I heard a guy talking to (YN). I felt my rage spark.
"T..thank you?" She said unsure. I could almost feel her blush. She is 14. No guy who is 17 should even look at her the way Tyler does. I hate him so much. When I peared around my hiding spot I saw him advancing on her.
"That banished prince doesn't deserve you and your company. You and I were meant to happen." Tyler murmered I watched in horror as he leaned down and kissed her. Their kiss got a little more passionate when he picked her up. I felt my rage explode. I fired at him.
"Leave her alone!" I screamed. With that I burned half the town.
Current day.
"Follow Jow's ship. We have an Avatar to capture

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