An Avatar to Save

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Majorly important AN at the end.
Zuko's p.o.v.
It was late at night when I grabbed my mask and swords. When I was about to climb aboard and hide on Jow's ship I saw her. My heart literally stopped when I saw her leap at least 6 feet onto Jow's ship from a nearby tree. I now knew for sure Jow had the Avatar. But why on earth would she be stupid enough to go after him alone. Some days she made me want to smack her in the back of the face really hard. I jumped onto the ship from below quickly hiding inside a nearby barrel. I watched from under the lid of my barrel with my mask on now as her slim figure climbed the mast and staid up there watching from above. She would know I was here soon enough. I felt my heart stop when we made eye contact. Her (EC) orbs widened when she saw me. But nodded her head. She knew I was here to help I guess. When Jow came out to inspect his surroundings when both froze. Jow however looked up unfortunately for her. I felt myself go pale as he fired at her. She leapt away from the blast using her water bending to wash over him and she froze him in his spot.
"Oh my dear. Zuko will pay a high and mighty cost for you to be returned. But of course he won't want you when I am done with you." Jow monolouged. I took my chance jumping to below deck where the avatar would most likely be held. I heard her fighting and Jow's frustrated screams. (YN) was no master of water or air but she was light on her feet and hard to hit when she moved as fast as she could. But then I heard the worst thing possible. Her scream.
Your p.o.v.
You had screamed when Jow had blasted your stomach. You could feel your skin sizzling under your clothes. You fell to the ground breathing hard as Jow picked you up and put chains around your wrists and ankles. You felt your breathing become harsh as a tear slipped from your cheek. You were thrown harshly into a cell below deck. You were breathing harshly and quickly.
"(YN)?" You heard Aang ask from a cell next to your own. You nodded even though he couldn't see you in the dark.
"Sorry Aang. I got caught." You coughed feeling blood trickle from your mouth. You heard your cell being unlocked forcefully. You knew who it was.
"(YN) its not your fault." Aang said desperately. You wanted to laugh but ended up sputtering blood all over yourself.
"I have two frozen frogs still frozen and all. I will take care of Katara and save you. I promise." You coughed as The Blue Spirit picked you up. You inhaled his scent of burning brown sugar. You attempted to walk a few steps but collapsed on the ground. This isn't fair. Not to you. Not to Aang. Not to Kat or Sokka. Or to Zuko.
OKAY GUYS BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! I have decide to make this story into 3 or 7 books. 3 for three seasons of ATLA and maybe another 4 for LoK, you would be reincarnated as Korra's best friend and able to connect to this version of you for help as a half avatar. Comment if you think this is a good idea I personally love the idea. Most of you are most likely still confused on why you are shaking and coughing up blood. But this is season one and you won't find out till like the end of the book when they get to the North Pole and all. So have fun living in confusion!!
-Love you all

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