Hunting Aang

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Okay maybe you went a lite over the top as to kidnap Sokka and Katara but Gran Gran approved of our rescue mission. She said she liked the way you had dropped from Zuko's group, but you felt horrible. Like part of you was missing. But the world needed to be saved first then you can fix things with Zuko. If Zuko survives that is. You looked down at Sokka's canoe pityfully.
"Guys they are miles away. We aren't catching that ship in a canoe." You sighed raising an eyebrow. Katara's eyes lit up as she realized what we could do.
"Your right. Why sail when we can fly?" Katara grinned. I smiled back at her and Sokka groaned.
"Appa cannot fly Katara." Sokka said bluntly. You shoved him into the water. "What was that for?!" Sokka yelled.
"For not believing in Appa." You smirked as you all hopped onto Appa. Soon enough we were floating down the river.
"Come on Appa. Aang needs us!" Katara coaxed the sky bison while Sokka began making odd sounds.
"What did he say again? Ying yo? Fly my bison? ABRA CADABRA?" Sokka threw open his arms like Appa was going to fly. You reached into your memories and found what the Avatar had said. You climbed next to Katara picking up the reins.
"Yip yip!" You exclaimed gleefully and Appa soared into the sky. While you flew the course of the river the fire navy ship was near and Aang was jumping around waving his arms around. You laughed as you landed on the ship. The men stood up angrilly. You began to bend some water into your hands making it like your arms were water. "Kat, first lesson! You have to be the water to bend the water. Warmth wake over some of the soldiers so we can leave." You instructed. Katara took a deep breath before whipping some water. It froze Sokka. Then she whipped it at the soldiers and they froze in their place. You helped Sokka get unstuck before we all left the ship flying high in the sky and to according to Aang Kioshe Island, the Western Air Temple, then the North Pole. While we were in the sky Katara had to repair Sokka's ripped pants. Sokka made a few very sexist remarks like guys are better than girls at fighting and well everything. That sparked some tension. Then Aang landed Appa before stripping out of his clothes. He leapt into the water before literally jumping sky high.
"COLD!!!" He yelled before catching an elephant Koi. You face palmed. You were the same age as Sokka so you decided to take leadership of your own.
"Aang. We should leave soon." Katara yelled. Aang grinned at her though as he continued to ride the fish. Then she left cause Appa had started to eat something. You watched as a dark shadow came over the Avatar. You leapt into the water using your bending you go faster after the Avatar. But of course the giagantic sea monster decided to throw the Avatar. Katara who just came back panicked. She grabbed Aang from the water. Her bending improved by a lot when she used water to jet her and the Avatar to safety. But you were still in the water and the monster had disappeared. It wasn't till to late that you were hanging onto the fin of the sea monster. You jumped off your place on it's head diving into the water and swam panicked to the shore. When you got there you were soaked and cold. But your friends were gone.
"Come on Kioshe Warriors. Where are they?" You asked the woods. One warrior stepped forward and attacked. You shot her back with a jest of water.
"Stop fighting." A new voice said. A famiar voice even.
"Suki?" You gasped.

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