Fighting Big Brother

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You felt a sudden anger at your brother you couldn't handle. You didn't leap to on top of him and rip his hair out of his head. You only felt your eyes begin to change to a white color. You bended the water that was rushing into one large tidal wave crashing it down on Jet. You froze it the second it crashed over his. Jet started to freak out.
"You arent the avatar how are you doing this?" Jet yelled confused and obviously scared.
"I'm part Avatar. Surprise Big Brother. You just lost. Your big chance to prove you are better than me. But your not." Your voice sounded terrifying and passionate. You unfroze the water dogding as Jet ran at you with a scream. He slashed at you with his weapons and you made an ice sword. You blocked his blows shoving him into the river. Watching as he swam for his life. You ran to the town to find it empty.
"I was too late." You said shakily falling to your knees when a group of people approached you.
"Ponytail guy got us outta there." A little girl said. When Jet floated by you froze him into a cube and lifted him to the side ignoring his threats and frustrated grunts. You smiled at the Sky Bison as it landed. Katara leapt from Appa and ran into your arms hugging you tightly.
"I was so so worried (YN)!" Katara said shaking in your arms. You hugged her back. This felt like normal. This felt like family.
"Come on. We know where to go next. TO THE FIRE FESTIVAL!!" Sokka grinned. You grinned back but it didn't last long. You coughed again spitting out blood again. You felt your nose start bleeding but wiped it away so they wouldn't worry. You climbed onto Appa falling asleep quickly in the saddle.
The man wore a blue mask with a grin on it before watching the mask fly off. There lay Zuko. Your Zuko hurt and knocked out. You were dragged away from him and every timeyouo got close you would be apart. You wanted to help him so bad and just hearing his heartbeat stop made you snap. You collapsed on the ground into sobs shaking.
You woke up in a sweat, the sleeping bag you had was suffocating you. You look up and saw Aang still steering Appa he kept dozing off. You walked over to the Avatar taking the Reims and letting him sleep in the saddle with Kat and Sokka. You had a feeling it would be like this for a while. You began to cough again and spat blood onto the forest below. As you watched the woods below you speed by you thought of Zuko and how sweet he was. You were just glad to be almost to the Fire Festival.

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