6. Going Home Already Principessa

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Making myself a bourbon neat with an orange peel, I start to think about my next plan of action. My grandfather made it a rule that before a new don takes over, he has to prove his worth by taking the mafia to the next level. A task that will be the hardest for me since my father has made the Italian mafia the strongest in the world.

Trying to figure my next move is like trying to figure out what to give to a billionaire's wife as a birthday gift ... what do you give to someone who literally has the world?

My father walking into my office tears me out of thoughts.

"Can I help you papa?"

" Yah, I saw Hades brutally murdered an ENTIRE cartel"

Hades is my assassin's name, or as I love to call him my better half. When I'm on the streets for business I'm Lorenzo Deluca's son of Satan himself, but when I'm on missions I put my black Hades mask and have people wishing they never met me.

The first time I killed someone I was 6, it was an easy kill gun to the headp, but overtime my father wanted the kills to be bigger. When I was 11 I 'snapped' and after getting information I butchered a man tearing his insides and using his intestines as rope I wrapped his organs on the outside of his body. Before hanging his body, I made sure to take my knife and crave Hades on his forehead.

That was the second time my father told me that he was proud of me. That kill was broadcasted all over the world and every kill after that was typically as gruesome, although each kill was different each one had one thing in common and that was the Hades that I carved onto their foreheads.

"Yah, I told you I was going to handle it." I said before taking a sip of my drink

" You can't just go off killing everyone because of a mistake one person did"

" Yes, I can. Look the head of the cartel was trying to steal from us and you think the people under him were innocent?" I shoot him a deadpan look before saying, " I'm going to put one of our people to run the rounds over there till I figure out what to do with them."

"Son look the Russians have been climbing the ranks for a long time and you killing an entire cartel might scare some of our allies to outsource from then." My father simply stated, " all I'm saying is you need to be careful with how you handle things".

" Well maybe that's what I'll do"

"you'll do what?"

"Take down the Russian mafia."

My father chuckled before saying "my ambitious son, I've been trying to take them down for years, and you think you'll be able to?"

"I'm going to prove my worth and take down the Russian mafia."

Eyeing me carefully my father said words I have only heard come out of his mouth about 5 times " you do that I'll be very proud."

"Hell, if you do that you will make me the proudest father in the world."

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