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When you're in a long-distance relationship, you talk to them before you fall asleep. Sometimes, your conversations end with a 'goodnight', and sometimes, you fall asleep on the call.

When you're in a long-distance relationship, you count the number of days that are left before you meet. and when that count is over the count of not being together yet again starts.

When you're missing them too much, you do virtual things and do the things they love or you would have done together.

When you're in a long-distance relationship, you feel a little lonelier when you're out alone. you notice people who are in love a little too much, and you wish for that for yourself, too, in that moment.

you wake up to handwritten letters, and surprise visits from them. you wake up to gifts that have their books and hoodie in it and your parents keep wondering why you smile so much while looking at your screen.

you keep playing a scenario in your head - how it'll all be when you meet them. you will take them to all your favourite places and show them around.

when you're in a long-distance relationship, you two don't talk as often but every text is just so precious for both of you. Sometimes, they fall asleep early. and sometimes, you're busy with your own thing when they are available.

When you're in a long-distance relationship, your dates turn into long video-calls. it'd be 2 am, and you ask yourself how can someone look so pretty even at ungodly hours.

when you're in a long-distance relationship, you value their presence a little more.

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