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There is no truth to this idea of perfection. You fall in love with what makes them so very weird annoying and different.

You fall for uneven smiles and unfiltered laughs. For their blazing eyes as they walk onto the stage even though their hands are shaking hard.

You fall for the passion that has them waking up before dawn to catch just the right light. That has them walking the streets even as their feet grow sore - cleaning, feeding and helping someone other than their own.

You fall for the fire burning in their heart as sweat trickles down their face, falling and getting up again trying to learn new tricks on their rollerblades.

Or as they twist their ankles to get just the right stomp, strut, twirl or exhaust their fingers strumming their guitar strings.

You fall for their knowledge about things that excite their very soul, galaxies, glaciers, trees, animals, poetry, hurricanes and more.

You fall for the stories that they have stirred up late at night in their dreams. For the way, they work on their sourdough and know exactly how much salt to add to their next sweet treat.

You fall for the way their hand always reaches out for you even though they know you're capable of crossing the street alone. Or the way they always share a bite with you even when it's their favourite ice cream.

Or the way their body warms you up on cold winter nights.

Most of all, you fall in love with a heart that knows how to treat you right.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now