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I know you feel like the world would be better if you didn't exist, but- there will always be someone to whom your loss will hit like a bullet to the chest.

Maybe because you're the only one who asks them if they wanted to say something when they deleted a message, because you've been there

Or maybe you're one soul they feel unjudged by, you're one of the only few people they can say anything to, or start any conversation with even when they feel silly or anxious about it, because you make them feel safe

Or maybe because you check up on them every now and then because that's what you would have wanted

Or maybe because you support them or bring the conversation back to them somehow because you saw people talk over them and shut them out, and you know how that feels

Or maybe you're the only one who invites them to places just for the sake of asking, knowing they might say no, because you have always wanted someone to just ask

Or maybe because you're the only one who notices the undertone of a conversation and the hidden triggers and will ask people to stop because you know how bad it gets when you're triggered

So maybe just maybe, even though it looks like you're all alone, someone out there depends on you right now. And just like someone else once pulled you out of your hole because they understood exactly what you're going through, you're the ladder this time around.

So please, even if it doesn't feel like it, try and exist.

You might not even know it, but your existence matters. So damn much.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now