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Relationships aren't perfect but....

People are embraced by a range of feelings every now and then, including anger, grief, happiness, and so on. Somewhere in this world of people, you meet someone who shows you what love is; something beyond a feeling or an object. You spend time together, get lost in one other, but as everyone knows, life is a cycle of many stages, and things don't always stay the same; obstacles and misunderstandings in your relationship develop.
Did you ever have a day that went so well that you planned to treat them to dinner, but they snubbed you, wrecking your entire mood? Nonetheless, you approached them, forgetting about it and not complaining about it. Yes, you may have told them how you felt yesterday, but you still went to see them since that small longing in your heart, regardless of the current situation, couldn't stop you. Similarly, numerous incidents occur, but we all eventually find our way back to our love. Sometimes your disputes, your unspoken words, your ignored calls or unseen texts worry you, yet you keep going nevertheless. This might separate you, but when the right time comes, it re-unites you, not destiny or nature, but the power you hold in each other's love, the sensation that never made you want to leave them. Everything in the world is not meant to be flawless, sometimes being flawed and embracing it is all that is required.
Long distance relationships can be difficult at times, but those video calls or simply a good night text once a month or even once a year make you believe in your love. What built your love, and what will keep it going forever, is not only being happy in love, but also fighting and conquering all the problems by trusting in it, by realizing that if everything was intended to be easy, there would be no breakups.

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