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People evolve and change and leave and follow,

They break down, they grow, the fall apart and then rebuild,

They fall inlove and their hearts get shattered, then they fall inlove again and then that person leaves and they promise to never go through that again, then someone comes along and it's the same thing all over again,

They prioritise and they down play, exaggerate then under exaggerate,

They forget and relive, die and reincarnate, they feel then loose feelings,

They hope then loose faith, believe then wish for death,

It's a process undeniable, we yearn for pain, because pain never leaves, it heightness our sense of being, and living and existing, makes us feel like we are part of this world rather than meerie watchers, it cultivates or loss and anguish, it releases all intuition and makes us sure of what we are, and who we are, even if who we are is someone we dont want to be.

Pain stabilizes us, it's a way out of numb and has more truth than happiness, more reality than joy, and more existence than love, pain is what all of us have felt, even if it's in the slightest form, it's what unites us and makes humanity, human.

Pain is not only hurt, it's beauty, it's a privilege, an honour, to be able to feel pain, to experience it, to allow it to seep into your veins.
Pain is what we live and die for, thats why we love, thats why we hate, that's why we keep and throw away, that's why we allow ourselves to fall apart.

As humans, pain is our only default - maybe in another time,in another world, we'd be able to show pain how much it destroys.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now