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I heard that it rains diamonds on uranus and neptune.If there was no earth, and all of us were a part of uranus, would you think diamonds would have lost its value ?Or to be more accurate, diamonds would never have one, to get it lost.
Maybe one day, I wish, I will be born to be a part of another planet where i have a value in life. I water my plants, dust my bookshelf, feed my dog and stroke its ears for which it licks my face clean. Maybe bathing can have a leave today. And then my monochrome life, where I search to find answers, but always end up with more questions.
A belongingness always remains etched on my forehead, each time I look into the mirror, I feel I should rub that off. My acne which sleeps on my face like its forgotten how to die, says so. The 37.2 trillion cells in my body loathes the 1 million which die everyday, leaving my body. Perhaps, I'm not the only one who hates my body. Each time I trace the map, hanging on my bright yellow wall, oh yes, bright yellow. I thought maybe having bright colours would bartend its glow for a day. And yes, everytime I trace it, with a hope that one day my finger would stop at a place where one accepts different people like me, one day my eyes would be alive, one day these walls would turn pale yellow.
The twist, an answer, a change to this, I am lying if i say I haven't found it.
You know the feeling where you got your answer to all the questions but you never accept it ?Yes, I did get answers. I realised belongingness lies in little things, like watering my plants, feeding my dog, and dusting my shelf a millionth time. I just didn't accept this, thinking this is different from what others do which adds to the feeling that I never belong here. But now, i know I'm different and that isn't bad at all. Acnes doesn't define beauty. More like, beauty doesn't define belongingness. If you find your heart beating even a bit fast, be it a small thing or stupid thing or a weird thing. That is where you belong, even for a second. We are all bits of particles found on earth, and finding happiness in small things is normal. Just find it,belongingness tags along.And now maybe,one cell out of the 1 million would leave happily.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now