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I am sitting at the same place, the one where I was sitting on a rainy evening. It wasn't long before when you walked in, all drenched, from head to toe.Even though everything seems to be going wrong with you that day, you suddenly broke into a smile,the best thing I had ever laid my eyes on.Just like that I made friends with a stranger.It's the same café, the same rooftop area. I am humming the same song by Jonas Blue "Maybe we are strangers. Maybe it's not meant to be forever." I remember the look you gave me and the words you said, sounded so perfect. It was everything I could have dreamt of.
"Maybe we are strangers. Maybe we're meant to be together."Time changed. So did we.I'm sitting at the same place, alone. There's an empty keventers bottle in my hand. It's void. The stories it carries within, are void and unheard.
A tear runs down my cheek, with the same song buzzing into my ears.We were strangers once, we are strangers now. What happened between was just a lesson.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now