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Holding hands is an underrated gesture of love, for just by holding hands, you communicate thousands of feelings to your loved one without actually uttering a word. A warm touch that seizes aplenty promises, reassuring you that even when the world turns against you, they'll still stay by your side, being your ultimate strength.

There's nothing more comforting than drawing scriptures of romance on the skin that feels like your home. Under its warmth, you bury your dreams. Running your slender fingers across their palms is like weaving a labyrinth of memories you want to hold onto for the rest of your life. Isn't it amazing how the spaces between their fingers perfectly fit yours?

Holding hands is an unsaid promise in itself. A promise to stick together forever is enclasped in between the palms. Holding hands with someone you love makes you feel safe, and secure. It fills you with the vibe that they're yours to keep,  they mean the world to you. And no matter what happens, you don't want to let go of them, not now, not ever.

Holding hands - solicitation of a promise to stay.

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