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// I don't want a lover, I want a best friend//

If you're reading this, and you're in a relationship with someone, and that someone is not your best friend, I am sorry. I really am. Because this rant, it's not about having a beloved who loves you too much to let go, but about that crazy best friend who will love you too much that they'll make you let them go.

Who wants a lover when you can have a best friend?

When I started writing, I was in a relationship. It was all things one could possibly ask for, I'd send her the good morning and good night texts, and sometimes she'd do cute things for me, too. But then, it ended, as all things do.

So, before I began to rant, I started thinking about all my past relationships and calculating what has stayed constant all this while. And, it wasn't the happier times or the gifts we exchanged, it was something which wasn't even a part of this relationship, or maybe it was. You know what I mean.

It was my best friend.

That stupid little crazy idiot who would stand right beside me through all the knick-knacks of my relationships, from me falling in love every other month and getting my heart broken in the next few weeks. That idiot-but-adorable human being knows me enough to let me trap myself into the relationship drama and loves me enough to be there with an ice-cream tub, making jokes, and tearing up inside to see me broken. (Yes, I know it. You think you could hide behind your lame jokes?)

Some relationships work, and some make you realise things. All my past relationships, if not for the character development, have taught me one thing. That is, you, my best friend, you are that magic spell of my life which I can't lose or have otherwise.

You remember how I said, "it ended, as all things do"?

Guess what? If you have a best friend, a real best friend who loves you with everything they have, it won't end. It just won't.
And that is the best part.

If I have you, I don't want a lover or the world. I just want you.

Because on any day; I'd choose best friend craziness over relationship drama.

I dreamt of Heaven (Rants Collection)Where stories live. Discover now