The Dance Pt. 4

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"Marinette's on the 5th floor room 526, you have to hurry, you need to save her" Tikki said to Adrien. Marinette meant so much to her, and she needed her holder as much as Marientte needed her. Before she even finished the sentence, Adrien had already left to go transform to get her.

Tikki still had one thing to do, so she went up to Luka saying, "You're the only other one besides Chat who knows Marinette's Ladybug, I need you to wear the earrings, fight, and cleanse the Akuma while Chat get's Marinette". Tikki wasn't exactly thrilled with Luka having the earrings, but at least the magic would make him sober while wearing the earrings.

As much as Luka wanted to be the one to chase after Marinette then pumble Chat Noir, he knew he was the only one able to cleanse the Akuma and had to agree. "For Marinette," he said, nodding towards Tikki. She understood, and placed the earrings in his hands.

Luka then took out his current earrings and put in the magic ones. "Say the words Tikki, Spots on" she told him.

"Ok, Tikki, Spots On!" he shouted, as a swarm of pink and red surrounded him leaving him in her suit. The tips of his hair were dyed Red, and his suit was the same style as his Viperion one, but instead had a black chest with strategically designed red with black spots.

It was nothing like being Viperion, it felt stronger, everything felt better. He then took the YoYo, and tried swinging it over to the Akuma, he had to cleanse it as soon as possible to save Marinette.

Meanwhile Chat was in a mad dash to find Marinette. The second he entered the building, he had to use his baton to breathe since all the smoke had risen to the top floor. Thankfully the air wasn't as bad on the 5th floor, but he was still struggling. Trying to find the room through all the flames, he sees the halfway that's labeled with having her room in it. Chat was reading the door names, barely able to keep his eyes open from the stinging, as flames shot at him.

Right as he read room 526, he broke the door down, thankfully the handle wasn't too hot so the fire shouldn't be too bad. When he was able to clearly see the room, the fire wasn't too bad, but he couldn't see marinette. Panic set it, and he was frantically looking for her, but the flames only grew and grew. Then thats when he saw a hand sticking out from some debri and rubble, and he realized it belonged to Marinette, and that she was stuck.

Chat ran over to her. He needed to make sure she was still breathing so he checked her pulse on her wrist. Thankfully there was still a pulse, but it was getting weaker and weaker. He then was able to get his baton under the rubble so she'd be able to breathe the filtered air. He didn't care if his lungs were burning, he needed to make sure she was ok. She was his past, present, and the only future he saw was one with her in it. Chat, Adrien, he couldn't lose her, not now, not ever.

With all the strength he could muster up, Chat went straight for the beam that must've knocked her out in the first place, then a couple seconds in, he used his brain, and Cataclysmed the beam, able to go in and grab her.

Marinette had a big gash on her forehead, and her dress was torn and cut up all over. Hopefully the Miraculous Ladybug would fix all her hard work. Chat then looked for the nearest exit, and saw the balcony. He picked Marinette up bridal style, and trudged over to the balcony, but then another support beam gave out, falling in front of the glass door. He went to cataclysm it, but realized he used his up to get Marinette out from under the beam.

Chat had to re-evaluate the situation at hand, and realized there must've been another exit. So he was able to go out into the hallway, but he and Marinette were surrounded on all sides by flames, with no clear way out.


Luka was still on the top of the hotel, fighting the Akuma. He was able to tell Alya and Nino to call 911 so they would be able to tend to Marinette as fast as possible once Chat hopefully got her out of the hotel. He was just thankful Chloe demanded guests to not be booked for tonight since she didn't want the dance to be disrupted. That way there wasn't anyone else who was trapped in the building, besides Marinette.

He was getting close to Burned, but she kept evading him, threatening to set a bigger fire to the hotel. He couldn't have that, he needed Marinette to be ok. He already felt stupid enough looking back at the actions of Drunk him. He couldn't let Marinette get hurt, not after he already hurt her enough.


Back at the hotel, Chat was struggling. Breathing was getting harder and harder, and there was no clear way out. He had to get Marinette to a hospital as soon as humanly possible. That's when he saw it. On the wall was an axe, so he broke the, "break glass in an emergency" glass, and grabbed the axe, bringing both Marinette and it back to the room.

He gently set her down on the ground, and with all the strength he had left, hacked and hacked and hacked away at the support beam. His heartbeat was pounding in his head. His body was in so much pain. His lungs were struggling to work. It would be so easy to give up, to take a rest. But as he looked back at Marinette, thinking back to what was supposed to happen at the dance, thinking of how he still needs to tell her who he is, and he needs to let her know she's not alone in this world chaos.

She was all he needed, giving him a sudden burst of Adrenaline, enough to split the beam dead in half. Chat dropped to his knees as the axe fell from his hands. He then crawled over to where Marinette layed, still unconscious, grabbing her waist while pulling her up onto his lap. As tears were falling from his eyes, he held her in his arms and stood up, limping over to the balcony. Finally he was able to take a full breath of fresh air, back still warm from the fire behind him.

Now that they were in fresh air, he took his staff back from Marinette, and just as he was about to extend it to get her to the ambulance on the street, a loud noise followed. He looked behind him, to see the room they were just in completely cave in on itself. He was mortified, thinking that that would've been him and Marinette if they weren't able to get out.

Thinking back to the task at hand, he extended his baton, lowering him and Marinette down to the ground, where they were surrounded by paramedics. He felt like a part of him was missing when they took her from his arms, although he knew they were her best shot for now. Finally able to take in everything that just happened, tears flew from his eyes as he watched Marinette being strapped on the stretcher.

There was so much noise with shouting from the paramedics, and from the ambulance, that was drowned out with a ringing in his ears. He watched as Marinette was secured into the stretcher, brought into the back of the ambulance, hooked up now to a respirator. He ran over to the back to get into the vehicle to go to the hospital with her, but the first responders stopped him since he wasn't family or related in some way.

As they drove away he fell to his knees. His heart was shattered, seeing Marinette going through so much. She was his other half, his yin to her yang. Even though he was back in fresh air, he felt like he couldn't breath still, and everything felt horrible. He wanted it all to stop, knowing the one person that could calm him down at the moment was unconscious and going though more than he'd ever know.

That's when he saw YoYo. Chat was so confused when a pair of black shoes with red accents stepped in front of him. When he looked up he saw Ladybug, but it was more like his mister bug. That's when he recognized the hair, the suit, it was all too similar to Viperion. "Luka?"

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