The Photo

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Marinette immediately winced from the pain. He froze, his theory was correct. But what did this mean?! His head was spinning, he felt like he was going to faint. Chat was so out of it, that he didn't realize at first that Marinente was trying to get his attention, when he finally came to it, all he could do was stumble on his words.

Chat was a stuttering mess, he could barely think straight, let alone speak full sentences to her at the moment. Knowing they were a bit from her house, he figured that while he needed to get courage to talk to her, they didn't have to talk if he was carrying her up to her balcony.

Back on Marinette's balcony, he finally was able to get out, "So, uh, what happened to your shoulder?". Marientte remembered that Chat knew Ladybug had hurt her shoulder, so she was going to have to divert him from making the connection that somehow she and Ladybug have matching injuries.

"Oh, my uh, my shoulder? Oh yeah, nothing big. Just landed on it when I uh, tripped, yeah. You know me, clumsy Marinette, hehe" Marinette really hoped he bought it, she didn't feel like getting her identity discovered twice in the same day.

"Right..." Chat answered questionly. He could obviously tell she was lying, he wondered how she managed to keep her secret for so long.

Marinette started to rub her arms, getting cold standing on the balcony. She invited Chat inside, but he needed some time to think at the moment so he politely declined. Kissing her hand goodbye. She thought he was acting a bit weird, but then again, so was she.

When Chat got home, he detransfomred. It finally sunk in for Adrien, Marinette was Ladybug. THE Ladybug that he was in love with for years! And she just happens to be Marinette, who he'd been denying his feelings for, for years! "PLAG CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!". He was yelling. It was like he had just been given a bunch of caffeine and sugar, bouncing up and down all around his room.

"Yeah kid, I've known for a while". Then Plagg realized he probably shouldn't have said that.

Adrien stopped dead in his tracks, "You knew what now?" he said while moving closer to plagg.

"Now Adrien, it wasn't my place to tell, Tiki would've killed me..."

"You watched me pine over Ladybug and reject Marinette unknowingly for years! You should've at least said something!" Adrien yelled while flopping down on his bed.

But then as soon as his mood went down, it went right back up again, his two loves are the same, and he was going to do it. He was going to tell her who he was!At the upcoming dance at the school, it'd be the perfect place to do it!

"Oh no! The Icicle probably ripped through her sweatshirt, I should drop off one of mine" Adrien said, when really he just wanted an excuse to go back there since he'd finally calmed down about the whole situation.

"Just do it tomorrow, I'm enjoying my gooey camembert," Plagg whined, but Adrien was on a mission, so he got a sweatshirt he hadn't worn in public before, wrote a note, transformed, and headed over to the DupainCheng's.


When he got there, he was about to tap on the trap door, but then he realized Marinette was sleeping, and he didn't want to wake her. So he put the hoodie on her trap door so she'd notice it in the morning. Before heading home, Chat sat near the Mayors hotel where the dance will be, and planned out how he was going to tell her.

Marinette woke up, and her shoulder if possible felt more sore than the night before. She went to find a hoodie to wear to cover up the bandages, but then she remembered hers was destroyed in the accident, and the other ones were dirty. Then she looked up, and saw something blocking her skylight trap door. She opened it and grabbed whatever it was on top, and brought it into view.

In front of her was a Black and Green cool tie dyed hoodie, with a note on the top. She wondered when Chat had dropped it off, because she didn't notice it with him the night before. The note read,

Thought you looked a bit chilly last night, here's one of my sweatshirts to keep you warm ;) -From, your favorite superhero

Marinette's heart wanted to explode! He thought she was cold and brought her a sweatshirt, specifically one of HIS sweatshirts! Isn't that what couples do? She wondered. Then she brought it to her nose, it smelled like him, Adrien the Fragrance. She laughed thinking of Chat wearing, Dreamy, Radiant, Carfree, Adrien, the fragrance. Still, it was a good smell.

The timing couldn't have been better for when she needed a sweatshirt. When she put it on, it was the softest, comfiest sweatshirt ever! He is never getting this hoodie back, she thought. Getting ready in the morning was a breeze with her good mood. She was even a bit early to school so she'd be able to talk with her friends before class started.

Although something was off, everyone was staring at her as she walked in. Was it the hoodie? No, it couldn't be. There's no way people knew this was Chat's. She made her way to the classroom, and Alya and Nino were giving her a look, but it wasn't clear on what for.

"Hey guys, what's up" Mari asked.

"Oh, I think you know what's up" Alya said while crossing her arms.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"This is what I'm talking about" Alya said while holding up her phone. In front of Marinette was a photo of her and Luka cuddling on the couch, and she was in his TShirt.

Marinette begin to panic, "How did you get that?" she asked.

"More like what were you doing?"

"I swear, that photo is completely taken out of context" Marinette pleaded. She knew it looked wrong, but Luka was just comforting her, nothing happened between the two... they were just doing 'friend' things.

Before she could try and explain to Alya, the bell rang and Mrs. Bustier quieted the classroom. So Marinette texted Alya that she'd explain everything at lunch. That seemed to satisfy the reporter, for now.

Adrien then snuck into the class when the teacher's back was to everyone. While taking his seat he couldn't help but blush seeing Marinette in his hoodie. He thought it looked way better on her than it ever did on him.

During the lesson, Adrien noticed that everyone kept looking behind him. And he thinks it's targeted at Marinette. So when a bit of work time came up, he asked Nino, "why's everyone looking at Marinette?".

Nino panicked a bit inside. He didn't want Adrien seeing the photo, because he knows the dude likes her, like really likes her.

"Ok, what I'm about to show you, remember, we have no context, she said she'll explain it during lunch" Nino told Adrien.

Adrien started to get scared. What could Marinette have done to warrant all this attention? "Ok? Just show me" he said eagerly wanting to know what all the fuss was about.

He regrets it, he regrets asking. He would've been completely fine without seeing the image in front of him. "What?!" he said a bit too loudly, causing everyone, even the teacher to look at him, holding up her finger to signal him to be quieter. "Nino, what is this?" Adrien said a bit softer.

In front of him was the picture of Marinette and Luka cuddling on the couch. His arm was around her holding her to his chest, and she was wearing his shirt! Every possible worst case scenario flooded his mind all at once. "How did this happen?!".

Nino finally calmed him down a bit, "Relax, remember, we don't know the full story, she said she'll explain it at lunch" Nino said, but it still didn't make Adrien feel that much better.

Up until lunch, he couldn't focus on a single class. First he finds out that she's the love of his life, then he sees that photo? When was it taken? Why on EARTH was she wearing his shirt?! Is that the shirt she was wearing last night?! Lunch couldn't come soon enough, he NEEDED to find out what happened between the two.

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