Chapter 71: Bakugo

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"Damnit Deku, where are you....." he muttered softly.
Bakugo was running through the hallway without consideration of danger. The only thing on his mind was how to kill the villains. Power was surging throughout his body and condensing into beads of combustible sweat.
He was charging.
In an empty corridor.
Wait, he wasn't running on his toes or trying to be quiet at all. So why did it feel like there was something stuffed into his ears and couldn't hear anything? It was like having headphones on.
He lit a continuous explosion in the palm of his hand but heard nothing. There was slight light but that was it.
He was deaf.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" He said.
Or at least he thought he said since he couldn't hear his own voice.
Maybe something medical was going on?
Or maybe it wa-
Bakugo turned around and quickly lit up a huge explosion at someone behind him.
The figure was knocked quite a distance backwards and onto the floor.
The villain was trying to sneak up on him. Whoever they were, they seemed to look like a cheetah heteromorph. They quickly got back up and charged quickly at Bakugo. The response was a chain sequence of miniature explosions.
It knocked them back down, even without sound, but they just kept getting back up and charging at him. The teenager's patience was running very thin.
"I have to keep him in my sights, that's the only way I know where he is." He thought to himself.
The heteromorph's endurance seemed limitless unlike for Bakugo. He didn't know how many more blasts he could squeeze out before becoming too exhausted. This fight needed to end quickly.
And with him winning.
The villain started throwing close range punches. They were just as fast as a real cheetah and leaving a heavy dent.
They dodged it just in time to Bakugo's frustration.
The punches continued to wear him down.
"This guy doesn't let up; but he's constantly using his quirk all the time. There is no way that they can do it forever."
Bakugo blasted his enemy off with a howitzer blow and then ran off down the corridor. Without hesitation, he started shooting at the walls and ceiling. They shattered and caused the area to collapse all along them.
A quick glance revealed that there was rubble between him and the villain.
"You honestly think that's gonna slow me down brat!? It ain't gonna help ya at all!!"
He wasn't using his quirk anymore.
More explosions erupted from his palms as he continued to put distance between him and the heteromorph. He didn't like running from an enemy but it was part of his strategy.
With a few clicks, Bakugo lost some weight and fired off one final round of explosions to bring down the area.
"Come on out you lil' fried chicken!"
The foe plowed through all the debris and caught up with the teenager.
"You ain't no fighter ; you're just a shrimp-eh wait a second..."
Without the weight of his grenade pods on the wrists, the explosive force was much stronger on his hands. The foe was blown backwards right into a pile of rubble.
"Was that supposed to hurt? Cause' it didn't!"
He unleashed a spinning of multiple shots in all directions, hoping that one would hit his target.
The ground shook even more.
A massive fireball enveloped the villain. The roof fell down, burying them.
Bakugo had managed to hit one of his sweat storage gauntlets that he hid in the debris.
As the dust cleared, he saw his foe.
They had something in their hands.
A green syringe of what could only be a drug.
"Don't even think about using that you stupid cat!" He shouted.
Without hesitation, the teenager ran towards the foe, trying to prevent an injection.
The vial shattered, spilling its contents onto the ground. A piece of ceiling had fallen onto it.
"Damn you little bastard..... I ain't letting Shigaraki down!!"
The enemy got back on his feet and started charging towards Bakugo. He immediately started running as everything started getting quiet again.
This time, Bakugo was using explosions to propel himself faster and faster down the corridor to outrun the enemy. He was exhausted and drained from all the fighting. But he couldn't give up.
Just Deku when he tried to rescue him from the league of villains.
"There's got to be a way to bring this guy down." He thought.
Every drop of sweat was keeping him away from that fast menace.
He struck a wall right front of him. As he looked around, it struck him.
This was a dead end corridor.
As he stumbled up, his foe was closing in fast.
Don't wait for an opening; make one.
His words from the joint training exercise with Sero, Sato and Jiriou rung through his head.
He raised his arms and reached for the sky.
"Yer givin' up?! I was just getting warmed up."
"Actually no. AP shot."
With all of his might and sweat that he could muster, his palms shot an eruption of fire straight upwards and threw the ceiling.
A trickle of daylight came through.
Without any delay, Bakugo immediately propelled himself upwards through all the new holes he made and into the blue sky.
He quickly landed on the roof of a nearby building and began to recharge. As the sweat began to accumulate again, the teen hero looked back and saw where he had come from.
They were no longer in the area of the cafe but right in front of an industrial warehouse. The sound of fighting caught his attention.
"Is that where you are Deku?"
He immediately started heading over, uncertain of what he would end up finding.

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