Chapter 51: Phase 2

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"Alright, ready to go?" Melissa asked.
"Yes, as long as Midoriya is."
"Oh sorry I wasn't listening very closely."
"Are you okay," Melissa asked.
"No not really." He sighed.
It had been several days since he learned that Kendo had been kidnapped. Endeavor and several other pro-heroes had left I-Island to assist in the search for her. Meanwhile Bakugo, Shoto and Deku were left with the remainder to protect I-island and Akane from any dangers. So far there hadn't been any updates.
At the moment he had a series of sensors placed all over his chest to see how his body was going to react to Akane's quirk. It was the first time for him but he just couldn't think.
"Midoriya, I know what you're feeling but we need you to focus for this. Akane go ahead." Melissa said.
Akane placed her hand on his shoulder and closed her eyes as did he.
"Here we go."
All that filled his sight was a bright green light despite his eyes being closed. He could hear a rumbling from within as the light grew stronger and stronger in intensity. There was an enormous force pressing behind on his mouth, it was so strange and yet so strong that he could feel his jaw being forced open by it.
"Midoriya? How do you feel now?"
"What a find," Akane said.
"What do you mean?" Both of them replied.
"He has two separate quirks, not one."
"Queen, we're waiting on your signal. Are we clear to proceed?" Spinner asked through a headset.
"Yeah I've been keeping it clear ever since I got here. Bring it in."
She waited as a boat drifted silently into the same receiving bay.
Quickly, Toga and Spinner jumped off to join her.
"Is Izuku here?" She asked eagerly.
"I don't know; what does he look like again?"
"Now is not the time Himikio! Queen Roach, how many guards are they missing?"
"Just five drownings."
"Five?! Why did you kill any of them?"
"Calm down, anyone who has come down to investigate has been dealt with my quirk. So far I've only had to augment twenty-one."
"So now what?" Toga asked.
"We stick to the doctors plan. Until then lay low. By the way, did you get your blood?" Roach replied.
"Plenty of it," she said as the Blonde girl began to transform into her recent victim.
She was getting hungry.
Locked inside a tiny dark room with only a mattress and water, Kendo was starting to lose track of time. She still had no idea where she was. Only that she still had that hand on her face.
They used her phone. Hopefully someone would track it down and save her.
Was that the person that Himikio was texting? Why was she talking about him?
Did the league somehow find out about their relationship?
Why was any of this happening?
Her hands were handcuffed and she was too weak to stand for long. So she spent most of the time lying down on the mattress.
If only she had been stronger and used her quirk back at the street when she had been ambushed. There was so much that could've gone better for her.
Now she was just a pawn.
But she was still hoping for the best, whatever that might.
Whether she was the only one captured.
Whether someone knew she was missing.
Whether fate would come soon.
She couldn't give up.
Just like Izuku never did for others.
"They'll be here soon for the bait," Dabi said,"We should get going."
"We will but shouldn't rush though," Shigaraki replied. "After all, we want them to come after us. In the meantime let's check in on our prisoner."

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