Chapter 63: Bite

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"What do you mean we're wrong?! The signal said from somewhere in Sendai!" Endeavor shouted in the phone.
Rift, along with Burnin, observed their boss flaring up over something that they had no clue to.
"Sapporo? That's way too far away for us to get their in time!"
"Is he usually this explosive?"
"Depends on who you ask," she replied.
"Fine, permission granted. But they must begin immediately. What's that? Send Kato? Why? Ah right, I'll send him out immediately."
The phone was hung up and Endeavor turned to Rift.
"Change of plans; Rift, use your quirk to go to the airport in Sapporo. You'll meet up with Bakugo, Shoto and All Might there."
"What's going on?"
"It appears as though Midoriya and the others are not in Sendai but possibly Sapporo. We'll catch up with you as soon as possible."
"What if they're wrong though? Shouldn't we also investigate Sendai?"
"I'll have Ryuku's agency handle that."
"All right then, anything else I should know?"
"No, head out now."
Roach stood by as the rest of the league relaxed.
"Forge huh? I guess you gotta start somewhere with naming quirks." Spinner commented.
"Forget the name, with a quirk that powerful, we could become unstoppable with powers that would go beyond mankind's comprehension. We would become gods. Or more than that." She said.
"Aren't you being awfully elaborate?" Dabi noted.
"One step at a time; the doctor said that Akane's quirk has a limit. We need to know what that is." Shigaraki said.
"What about Izuku and Kendo? What are we supposed to do with them?" Toga asked.
"We'll just have to see what the doctor says. For now we can't let them get out. Make sure those restraints are solid." He replied.
"Aww I wanted to spend some time with him..."
"Keep your love interest to yourself."
"What quirk would you want Shiggy?" Roach asked.
"Not sure. Can't think." He replied while scratching his face.
"What has this situation become?" She thought to herself.
Kendo was all alone in a cell with handcuffs on her wrists and ankles. The pain was becoming too much to bear with each pulse surging through her nerves.
She failed a lot of people.
With Akane having to give quirks to the villains, there was nothing that could stop them. She could've accepted death to prevent that old man from gaining a powerful quirk. Actually he probably would've gotten it even after being killed.
But she should've pushed harder to fight back against her kidnappers. Just like Midoriya would've.
Was there going to be a chance to see him again? Or had she already seen for the last time?
She had to keep hoping and fighting on.
Defeat comes when hope is given up.
"What is Akane going to be forced to make? No I can't let that happen. If I can't protect her, if I can't save her and if I can't help her, then I can't call myself a hero!" Deku thought to himself.
He was still bounded with chains and handcuffs but that was not stopping him from trying. Deku had to break free.
"One for all, fifteen percent! Full cowling! SMASH!"

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