Chapter 25: The house on a hill

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When she woke up in the woods, the air felt warm, almost like early autumn. The trees were covered in colorful leaves and she could hear birds chirping. Grass graced her backside gently and the fresh smells hug her nose.
She was facing the sky, clear and blue, lacking any large clouds. Nearby was the sound of a flowing stream. Everything felt calm to her.
Wait calm?
Kendo had just seen her boyfriend shooting straight towards her in the assessment. Come to think of it, where was Izuku? Where was everyone? What time was it?
How come everything was the way it was?
As she stood up, she felt no pain or soreness. Her costume was still on but it felt different, almost like it was lighter and softer.
"Itsuka, it has been a long time since we last saw each other." A familiar voice called out.
She turned around and saw someone she wasn't expecting.
"Gram-gram?!" Kendo asked the elder.
"Oh my you have gotten so much bigger since I passed. Its so good to see you again."
Kendo immediately hugged her grandmother and felt tears in her eyes.
"Come with me, there is something I wanted to talk to you about."
"Uhm okay. What is this place by the way?" She asked as they started to walk along a path. There was an opening in the trees; it probably led to a clearing.
"This is a place of rest, communion and peace."
"Is this heaven?"
"I wouldn't call it that but in some ways it is similar. Here in this land I reside among countless other spirits of those who have passed like me."
"Am I.....dead?" Kendo asked slowly and dreadfully.
"No don't be silly. You still have much to do and give for others."
"But I thought I..."
"What has happened to you has not killed you. You are hurting sweetie and I wanted to talk to you about it."
"Hurting? But I don't feel any pain or see any injuries on me."
"No no, I don't mean physical wounds. I mean as in him."
Kendo gasped slightly at hearing that. Her grandmother was talking about Izuku, wasn't she?
"How d-do you know about my boyfriend?"
"You came here because you have a problem with him."
As they cleared the forest, they ended up in a vast rural pasture. There were crops growing everywhere and a gentle breeze blew on them back and forth. There was a sun in the sky but it didn't hurt to look at it at all.
There was a small hut perched on top of a small hill that overlooked everything. A path led from the front door to where they were. It looked somewhat like something from a fantasy story.
"This is my home; come in and make yourself comfortable." The elder said.
"Its beautiful. No wonder it feels so nice here."
The front door automatically opened and revealed a small living room and two doors for separate rooms. A fireplace stood in the center and was lit. The overall style resembled traditional Japanese architecture.
Kendo sat down by the fire on the floor as did her grandmother.
"Now then, you have a dilemma with Izuku."
"You mean how he hurt me?"
"No of course not. I mean as in the secret."
"I'm not sure if I follow."
"You love him, right?"
"Of course."
"And he loves you too?"
"Then why do you want to hide that love? You don't want other people to find out because you're scared?"
Kendo sighed and nodded. "I don't want my classmates to think that I betrayed them or to separate me from him."
"Now dear, why do you think that they would do that?"
"Because our classes hate each other so much. We're rivals pretty much."
"Oh you silly girl. You think your love for Izuku is something wrong in the eyes of everyone else. But I tell you this; your passion is a bridge connecting both sides together in understanding."
"When I was your age, I too had a boyfriend. My parents both argued a lot with anger and I was afraid that they wouldn't approve of my relationship. But when I did tell them, they stopped arguing and started to heal. They saw my love as a sign to repair their damaged marriage and they were in harmony with each other afterwards. They supported me and my boyfriend. Eventually, I married him."
"You mean grand dad?"
"The one and only. Do you see what I am saying?"
"That I shouldn't be hiding my love for Izuku?"
"Your relationship with him can bring your classes together and end the bitter hatred being harbored. They will not look down on you; instead they will look up to you two for the same peace and connection that you have with him." Her grandmother said joyfully.
"But what if it doesn't? What if they reject it and him?"
"Do not be afraid sweetie. If you really love him, they will not stop your passion."
Kendo sat there in silence while thinking about her grandmother's words. What would he say if she told them? Would he accept the truth being out or would it be too much to handle? How would the class see her, the big sister of class 1B, as someone who was scared to be transparent with them?
"Its challenging to climb a hill but once you do, coming down is much easier."
"Gram-gram, I don't know about it."
"Even if there is rejection, would you still love him?"
"Well yes but..."
"They can't tell you how to feel about someone else. That's something only you can decide."
She went silent again as she thought about what happened before she woke up in the woods.
"Do you know how injured I am?" Kendo asked.
"You'll find out soon enough."
"I mean if I am seriously hurt, then it would be hard to convince everyone to accept my love for Izuku."
"Then you must love harder."
"What do you mean?"
"Its time for you to go back home. Take care Itsuka."
"Wait what do you-"
Everything became blurry and dark. The walls became taller, the fireplace disappeared and she felt like she was falling.

When she woke up in the recovery ward, it was dark and no one was around.
"Thank you gram-gram."

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