Chapter 58: Hostage

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They sighed as the civilians stopped attacking. By that point all the islands police force and pro-heroes were on the scene. Most of the crowd had collapsed from a painful sensation in their heads, likely a migraine. However they all had something else in common.
They lost to All Might and Shoto.
"Where's Bakugo and Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.
"They were inside the lab building, fighting off a league of villains member. I hope they're okay." All Might replied. He was still all buffed up.
They headed over to the lab quickly to make sure everyone else was okay.
"How did you get your powers back anyway?"
"I didn't get My quirk back; Akane gave me a quirk similar to it but works with my body."
"Do you really need to remain that way? The villains are gone."
"I suppose you're right."
The normal All Might was back.
As they made their way through the building, they were confronted by a mess of wreckage and debris from building materials.
"Goodness! It looks like Bakugo and Midoriya have been busy." He continued.
"Damn right we were."
They both looked forward to see Bakugo stumbling through the debris towards them.
"Bakugo! Where's Midoriya?"
"He's not here. They took him along with Akane!"
"Are you sure?!" All Might asked.
"Of course I am! He is nowhere to be found and Akane isn't with Melissa!"
"Where's Melissa?"
"She's in the lab, looks like she has some head trauma."
All Might didn't waste a moment to pull out his phone to make a call.
"What is it Toshinori?"
"Endeavor! They got her! And Deku too!"
"Who did?"
"The league."
"What? But how?"
"The same villain from the winter festival attack was here along with two others I think."
"It was three!" Bakugo interjected.
"Three others. The winter festival one was able to take control of so many people at once, more than what Dictator ever could. They even managed to temporarily control me and Shoto."
"I wonder......."
"What are you thinking?"
"The kidnapping of the UA student from Yoron was a diversion for us."
"Do you think that they were trying to separate you from I-Island?"
"Possibly. Whatever the cause may be, we now need to get Akane back immediately before things get bad. I need to contact some people associated with her."
"What about Kendo and Midoriya?"
"We're going to need more help now."
Kato was with Ibara at a coffee shop. There was a sudden gut wrenching feeling inside him as he sipped on some tea.
"Is everything alright?" She asked him.
"I don't know, I just feel like something bad is about to happen."
"I pray that I don't get possessed by another demonic foe like last time. So much cleansing and relief from the head pain for days afterwards."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Whoever did that got lucky; next time we cross paths I will give them hell."
"Don't be blasphemous,"
"Sorry, I will make them suffer ."
"That's better."
He looked at his phone.
"Rift! Report to the agency immediately!"
"That can't be good."
"What is it?"
"I got to go to Endeavor's agency now. Sorry dear."
"I understand. I will see you later."
"See ya."

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