Chapter 46: Alright then

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Today was ship out day. The start of spring break.
"Also Midoriya," Kato continued.
"Just wanted to say that I hope things go well on I-Island; wish I could be joining you but Burnin said I needed more experience."
"Wait, how did you know about our destination?"
"Burnin mentioned it when I asked if I could go to Okinawa."
"Oh right; I forgot you were also at the agency. Are you traveling too?"
"I'm staying here in town with Ibara. I'll be training and patrolling with her and some other pro-heroes."
"You're staying at Shiozaki's home? Why not here?"
"Travel convenience mainly but her parents want to get to know me. It'll be a strange experience."
"What do you mean?"
"I never had a real mom and dad as an orphan. Its a tough subject for me." He sighed.
"S-sorry I don't mean to pry!"
"It's okay. I'm looking forward to this experience."
"Well I hope everything goes good for you too."
"Hey bastard! Stop chatting and let's get going already!"
"Our ride is waiting for us," Shoto said.
"Gentlemen this way," Endeavor said.
The four of them walked through the main terminal with several other pro-heroes and sidekicks. For Midoriya, it was pretty awesome for him to return in less than a year. How would Melissa react to seeing him as a sidekick in addition to being a UA student?
Then again, Shoto and Bakugo had also been there before.
"This is going to be so great! I can't wait to see how everyone has been and how things have cha-"
"Will you shut up already?!
"There isn't any major events like the exhibition going on this time. Speaking of which, where is Akane?" Shoto asked.
"She's going on a separate plane and will join us at the airport there." Endeavor replied. "We can't really discuss more out in the open for awhile. Deku."
"Are you up to speed with your objectives?"
"Sort of, I'll need more direction once we get there."
"Yeah yeah I know what needs to be done."
"I have reviewed everything that has been presented to me."
"Once we're airborne I'll explain more."
Roach examined the details of the device. It seemed pretty straightforward to her but that was something she never took for granted.
"So, this is what innovation can be like."
"Indeed, unfortunately that's as good as things are getting for now." Shigaraki said.
"What now?"
"The doctor wants to make some changes to the operation."
"Great, what does he want now?"
"A hostage."
"Is that necessary?"
"Yes. The girl's protection consists of some UA students in addition to Endeavor's hero agency. They are more gullible and bendable when dealing with situations like a hostage crisis."
"Let me guess; you want me to kidnap another kid or someone close to these kids in the hopes that they'll just hand over the girl? That's not going to work."
"Of course not, that's why the plan is different than that."
"So what am I going to do then?"
"Sit back and let us take care of that. You just focus on getting into I-Island."
Deku and Endeavor sat in a private area on the plane; they were about a quarter of the way there.
"An experiment!?"
"Yes, I don't know what it is going to entail though. I don't even know what kind of power Akane has. Regardless, they said your participation will be needed for it to have a chance of success."
"I uh guess I can do that."
"You'll still be doing your usual sidekick work later on. For the time being, try to relax and enjoy the calm."
"There's something else I need to ask."
"What is it?"
"Do you know anything about Eri?"
"Who's that?"
"She's...never mind."

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