Chapter 34: Give us a break (Part 2)

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"Whoa Midoriya! You going somewhere special tonight?" Kirishima asked.
Midoriya was wearing his blue kimono; what would Kendo's look like?
"I'm going out with Itsuka to the winter festival tonight; she suggested wearing kimonos. I couldn't say no to that."
"Well you look great! I hope it goes well!"
"Thanks Kirishima."
Kato then appeared in the common room area, dressed more casually with cold weather in mind.
"Looking good Midoriya; hope your date goes well."
"Thanks, aren't you going to the festival as well?"
"Yeah Ibara and I are going soon. I'm about to meet up with her."
"Good luck to you two," Kirishima commented .
"Hey bastard! You're girlfriend is here!" Bakugo shouted.
"Coming!" Midoriya replied.
He made his way over to the entrance along with Kato. Excitement was building within him to see her.
"Oh kami...."
"Why can't you call him by his real name?! How would you like to be called something like that?" Kendo said loudly to Bakugo.
"Now I see why the teachers say you're hard to work with," Kato commented.
"Shut it spikey!"
Kato immediately burst out laughing to everyone's surprise, including Shiozaki who was with Kendo.
"That's a good one. Anyway let's get going."
With Bakugo still steaming with rage at the entrance, the four of them headed out into the early evening for an evening that they wouldn't forget.
The two couples decided to go different ways to the festival. Midoriya only then really noticed what his girlfriend was wearing.
Her kimono was red with pink patterns resembling leaves and flowers. The details were simple in principle but intricate to look at. There was a slight shine to it; he was amazed by it all.
"You look amazing Itsuka. The colors mix well with you."
"Aw thank you; it actually used to be my mom's before she gave it to me." She replied with a slight blush.
"Really? That's awesome."
"And you look handsome Izuku; I bet some of the guys are jealous of you."
He felt a stronger blush come over him. They held each other's hands as they made the trip.
"I meant to ask you something earlier," Kendo asked, "You and Uraraka are friends right?"
His smile faded away as he was caught off guard.
"Yes, although lately...things haven't been going as well," he replied quietly.
"Oh? Why?"
" be honest, I think she's upset that we're together."
"Oh.......that's hard. I don't really know what to say but I'm sure things will get better with time."
"I hope so."
"If not, maybe I could talk to her about it."
"I don't know, that seems risky."
"We'll just see."
"So what were you hoping to do at the festival?"
"Let's just see what's there."
He couldn't shake Uraraka's feelings as they continued.
She stood perched atop an adjacent apartment building. Starring down upon a gathering crowd, the speckles of ice and light danced in her eyes. It was blinding but she was always prepared.
Roach placed the helmet on her face and starting looking for a target. She couldn't start from the center as there wouldn't be enough movement. With people more spread out though, victims might have a chance to flee the chaos.
There was a man working on an ice sculpture; it appeared he had some sort of molding quirk. Another man, older than the other, was setting up a small food cart. She caught sight of a woman with two kids at her side, probably a mom. One of the children had a set of wings folded up, no doubt that was quirk related. Finally she laid eyes upon a young couple, they appeared to be high schoolers dressed in warm clothes. One had blue hair and had his arms wrapped around the girl with a strange hairstyle.
Wait, were those vines?
Roach zoomed in and saw the girl; her hands were folded together as if in prayer. The hair was indeed made of vines and seemed to move as if they had muscles. A perfect quirk.
They were near the epicenter of several ice sculptures and had plenty of people nearby. A bathroom was within the vicinity.
Target acquired.
She lifted her helmet and concentrated on the girl.
Kendo and Midoriya sat down on a heated bench with some warm drinks in hand. It was almost time to watch a musical performance on a stage made out of snow.
They had just finished viewing some spectacular sculptures of various heroes including All Might, Endeavor (ironic to Midoriya), Mt. Lady and others. For the younger visitors, there were a few rides including a snow sled track, ice skating and tubing.
"So you're having a good time ?" She asked him.
"Yeah, I can't wait to see more of what they have to offer. This drink is really good. How about you?"
"I really like seeing all these people out here and having a good time. Winter always feels magical and enlightening for me. Do you feel that way too?"
"It's kind of hard for me to tell but I agree with seeing everyone."
She nodded respectfully. As the two continued to sip their drinks, the sound of running caught their attention.
"Someone call for help! That girl has gone insane!"
"She's got a big plant quirk!"
"Plant quirk?" They said in unison.
Midoriya stood up to see what was going on; his drink dropped at first sight.
Poor guy; he must've been her boyfriend.
Roach watched as the blue-hair man that with the target was enveloped in vines, trapped tightly. As he struggled to break free, more and more people became trapped in vegetation.
The villain started concentrating on other folks there, randomly at that point. She always got a silent kick out of turning people into powerful zombie-lol drones.
"Keep trapping and crushing," she instructed the vine girl.
"Knock over the food carts nearby."
"Light off the fireworks."
"Attack anyone."
"Attack anyone."
"Attack anyone."
Six people under control so far; she could do another eight.
As they chaos ensued, two people caught her attention. Another teenage couple?
She watched as the girl started shouting loudly at the vine girl while the boy was rescuing the blue hair victim.
"MIDORIYA! Get down now!" Kato shouted.
"Hit the ground now! Trust me!"
Midoriya quickly got down onto the cold snow-covered surface. It smelled awful, like rotten meat and dead skunk.
It was the smell of death.
A bright flash and a tremendous thundering roar shook up the surrounding area. Even the clouds in the sky were illuminated. Midoriya and everyone else was blown away from Kato by an enormous blast wave.
The force threw Midoriya against a nearby wall; Kendo and the other people were nowhere nearby. He looked up and saw several sculptures falling over; there were two kids right beneath one.
"If I can't save those kids then I can't call myself a hero!" He thought to himself. "One for all! Full cowling, ten percent!".
He shot along the ground towards the children, grabbing them and kept running past collapsing sculptures.
With his quirk online, Deku emerged from beyond the chaos with the terrified kids.
"Damn! What kind of quirk was that?!" She thought to herself.
Roach watched as the blue-hair boy emerged from a large crater unscathed, the one that he just created. She had never seen someone capable of an explosion quirk of that degree.
He ran over to the vine girl who had been blown away by the blast. Her vines were severed into pieces and appeared to be knocked out.
"Take him out." She concentrated to her.
The girl quickly rose up and unleashed even more vines. But she was unable to ensnare him.
To Roach's shock, a portal opened up in front of the boy as he ran, dodging all the vegetation in the process. He emerged behind the girl and ran towards her.
"Keep everyone away from you."
Meanwhile several other targets were beating up other people with repeated punches and kicks. Several fires broke out from the destroyed food carts.
The festival was turning into a war zone.

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