Chapter 57: Worth it?

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He was feeling foggy in the head. So this is what Bakugo had felt like when he was kidnapped.
He jumped up when he heard it.
Looking up, Midoriya couldn't believe who had said that.
She was laying against the wall opposite to him. Battered and beaten, his girlfriend was there before him. He was crushed.
"Itsuka....what happened? What did they do to you? How badly are you hurt?!"
She didn't say a word; instead she reached out to him. His feet carried him over to give her a hug.
She sighed and returned the favor.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
"I've been better. Where are we?"
"Some league of villains hideout. How did you get captured?"
"I don't know; I was fighting two of them on I-Island and then everything went dark. Wait, Akane! Is she safe? What about Melissa?!"
"I don't know dear. Hopefully we can get out of here soon."
Except there wasn't a door or entrance anywhere.
"A shield?" Ujiko replied.
"Yeah, strong enough to resist my knives. I don't know how to get a sample now." Toga said.
"It surprises me that Melissa even had a quirk in the first place considering that she was listed as quirkless her whole life. Regardless, I'm sure that her barrier is not permanent."
"No doubt; still I think we're in more trouble than desired." Roach commented.
"Taking the girl was extremely drastic but I really need those samples. Once we can get the blood drawn, all we have to do is simply drop her off somewhere random and make sure that she doesn't know where we are."
"That's not what I was meant."
"Oh, well what are you thinking then?"
"Think, if she has so much protection and has such a powerful quirk, which you still haven't told us what it is yet, don't you think the authorities would want to make sure that they know her location at all times?!" Roach exclaimed.
"You're suggesting that she has a tracking device on her? We didn't find one." Spinner said.
"What about an implant? Those can be hidden under the skin."
"I'll be quick with her right away then," Ujiko said. "And Roach,"
"She can create new quirks in anyone she touches."
The rookie was left with her mouth hanging open as the doctor left the room.
"Was anyone else taken," Kendo asked.
"From Yoron? No I don't recall that anyone else was." Midoriya replied.
She was quiet a lot of the time since he regained consciousness. Her injuries had taken a severe toll on her. He feared for his girlfriend's future.
"Do you think that we were taken because of our relationship?"
"What do you mean?"
"First they kidnapped me, then you. I feel like there's some other plan in place. If we hadn't been together, maybe this wouldn't have happened."
He sat down next to her.
"Whatever happened to us has taken place for a reason. And I think it has to do with Akane, not our love."
"So they don't know we're together?"
"Actually I think they do. I may have accidentally revealed that to Toga back on I-island."
They sighed as they realized the implications of his revelation.

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