Chapter 56: Two birds and 913 stones

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She was worn out from using her quirk. So many people needing commands was overwhelming. There was no option but to drop off a bunch.
Roach disengaged from 100 random targets. The relief was immediate but short lived. Her comrades hadn't returned yet; they hadn't even left the building.
"Roach! We got the target, we need you to buy us some more time to get out," her radio crackled.
A thunderous explosion tore through the crowd. The muscular man stood at the center with a big grin on his face.
"All Might recovered so quickly from my quirk? Augh, this is not what I need right now."
Then it hit her:
He was looking at her.
When she came around, the room was dark and cold. There was a little lightning but she couldn't tell from where. One thing was for certain for Kendo:
She wasn't out of the woods yet.
She rose up from the floor and began looking for a way out.
Her body still ached in pain from the wounds and broken bones. Limping was the only way to get around at that point. There was something else to notice, the black stuff wasn't in her mouth anymore.
She could breathe more easily and talk but the latter wasn't as important.
A door.
Cautiously, Kendo opened it and found herself outside. But for some reason, she didn't feel safe at all. The outside was an alley way and it was filled with trash bins.
"Where do you think you're going Kendo?"
It was the rotted guy with the severed hands.
"Get back inside before I turn you into dust."
"Time to bail." Queen Roach thought as All Might lunged towards her.
She activated her armor and braced for impact.
All Might stopa
"! NO!" He grunted from Augmentation's efforts to control him. He was struggling but was resistant. But how?
He missed her by a few centimeters. Just enough space for her to get out of the way.
Everyone converge and attack All Might!
Like ants around food, the whole crowd turned and ran towards the two, climbing the building one on top of another.
"Attack me?" All Might said. "Is that your quirk, mass manipulation?! You're just like Dictator!"
"Fighting him head on is pointless, I need to put some distance in between us." She thought.
"Don't talk much do you? Be it as you may for you are about to lose! TEXAS SMASH!!"
A group of brainwashed people suddenly leapt onto him and tried to hold him down. They weren't much of a match for the symbol of peace. He threw them aside and charged at Roach.
"Where are those idiots?!" She thought.
As he prepared for another punch with her name on it, she activated her secret weapon.
The reverse sent him flying off a distance in puff of smoke. The impact knocked her into an air conditioning unit. She groaned and staggered back to her feet.
"At least that worked. SPINNER!"
"Yeah?" Her radio replied.
"Where the hell are you guys?! I am barely surviving with All Might out of my control!"
"Wait All Might is attacking you?!"
"Yes you fool! I had to use my quirk reflector on him and that probably won't keep him down for long!"
"Hang tight, we're on our out with the girl!"
"The girl?! We just needed blood samples! We can't take the girl!"
"What girl?" A voice grunted.
She looked up and saw a teenage boy with ice growing on one arm and fire coming out of the other.
"Oh great...."
"What have you done with Akane?!"
"Stay out of this kid if you know what's good for you!"
A ball of ice surrounded her as the temperature rose quickly. Before she had a chance to react-
A massive blast wave knocked her back down. Her armor and support structure bore the brunt of the force but she was going to be sore in the morning.
A series of ice blocks knocked her back a distance before she could brainwash him fully. He kept throwing icicles at her, weakening her defenses and taking a toll on her strength.
Everyone attack my aggressor
As she looked at him with her cracked mask on, dozens of people clamored over him and weighed him down in place.
An eruption of ice blew everyone into the sky and froze them in place.
She needed backup and fast.
As more and more people climbed up to swarm the teenager, she continued to run away in an effort to escape. Fighting head on would be utterly impossible. Her best option was to regroup outside the unstable building and wait for the teleportation substance.
Queen Roach leapt several stories and landed hard on the ground. She bolted towards the entrance just to see her comrades exiting. There was three of them.
But no sign of the girl.
"Where is she?!" Roach asked exhausted.
Mr. Compress opened his mouth to reveal two cyan colored spheres on his tongue.
"Who's the other one Mr. Cannibal?"
"Izuku!" Toga squealed in excitement.
"Let's get out of here! NOW!" Roach replied.
Shoto was not enjoying this fight.
All Might hadn't returned yet and left him to fight off the hordes of the aggressive zombie-like people. But they weren't villains; they were civilians being used as weapons.
The woman had managed to escape him and was likely going after Akane.
"All Might! They're under her control! We can't hurt them too much," He shouted back as he used another ice attack to freeze more approaching foes.
The two continued to hold off the crowd despite the villains having disappeared.

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