Chapter 41: Nope

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A month later
The class representative stood straight up in front of the classroom.
"Alright everyone listen up! Mr. Aizawa has asked me to inform all of you about an opportunity for the work studies over spring break. Students from both class 1A and 1B will be able to go to a southern island to serve. It will be almost like Nabu Island except that there will be a few pro heroes to avoid another attack like last time. However not everyone can go as there will be limited slots available."
"So is it going to be a first come first serve with getting in?" Ojiro asked.
"Mr. Aizawa said it depends on recommendations from the hero agency you currently work for. You'll need to speak with them in order to get the ball rolling."
Excitement was rising in the classroom as Iida smiled.
"Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki; All Might and I need to have a word with you three. Meet us in the teachers lounge." Mr. Aizawa said after classes ended.
Midoriya and Shoto looked confused while Bakugo was irritated.
"Endeavor will be there too."
Shoto sighed.
"I wonder what they want?" Midoriya asked.
"Why am I being roped in with you extras?"
"Whatever it is, it probably has to do with our work studies." Shoto commented.
"Don't you think it's a little odd that students from both classes can go work at the same place? Back on Nabu Island, it was just us."
"You think I don't remember that!? If anything, having more idiots around will just make things harder for everyone else there."
"You're not going?" Midoriya asked in reply.
"Of course not nerd!"
"Come on. They're probably waiting for us. We should get moving."
The three boys faced the three pro heroes. Mr. Aizawa spoke first.
"I'll cut straight to the chase. You three worked for the highest ranking hero agency a few months ago and now they need you to return."
"Return?" Midoriya replied.
"We've been tasked to provide extra security for I-Island while one of your classmates, Akane, is there. We need a lot of hands for this and that includes you." Endeavor said.
"She'll be there during the spring break and that means that you three will be working on I-Island during spring break."
"But I-Island has the same level of security as Tartarus prison. Why would sending Akane there require additional security?" Shoto asked.
"It's because of her quirk isn't it?" Midoriya replied.
"Partially yes. But as you three have witnessed in the past, the security can be compromised significantly. It is because of your involvement in that breach that you are needed." All Might replied.
"What?" Shoto said.
"You idiot! They want us there because we're experienced with a security failure and no one else at the agency is!" Bakugo said loudly. "All because of one girl?!"
"Her quirk is-"
"Midoriya!" Mr. Aizawa interrupted sternly.
"Sorry, it's very......classified."
"So are we specifically guarding her or just bolstering the island security ? Shoto asked.
"The latter; it will be just like your winter break. Expect a lot of patrolling." Endeavor replied.
"Hopefully no traitors this time either," Midoriya commented.
"At least I don't have to be with the extras on that other island." Bakugo said.
"Do you remember Melissa Shields?" All Might asked Midoriya after the rest had left.
"Yeah I do! Why?"
"She'll be working very closely with Akane and you might be providing security specifically for them."
"What do you mean?"
"Akane is familiar with you the most and you know about her quirk. That type of knowledge must be kept a secret, even from Shoto and Bakugo. Melissa may need your knowledge as well while working with Akane."
"What type of work are they going to be doing?"
"I don't know. I don't even know what Akane's quirk is. And you are not allowed to tell me."
"I won't."
"I wish I could've joined the others though."
"Look on the bright side; Melissa will be excited to see you again."
"I guess although its been awhile. What if she doesn't remember me?"
"She does; in fact she knows that you're coming and trust me, she sounded excited."
Midoriya blushed slightly at that.
Meanwhile with Kendo.....
She was thinking about the spring break opportunity. Who knows what it would be like? What kind of work could she expect to be facing? Would there be time to relax?
As she made her way back to the dorms after classes, Kendo was feeling extra chilly. Perhaps it was the weather for that time of the year. One thing was certain, she needed some extra warmth.
And she knew who could provide some.
Without hesitation, she pulled out her phone and texted Midoriya.
-hey izuku~
-hi Itsuka, how are you?
-im cold; do you want to meet up for dinner tonight?
-sure, I'll make us some udon
-sounds great dear
-see you at my place at around 6:30
-see you then
She wondered if he was excited about the island work studies opportunity too?

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