Chapter 8: Weighing in

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"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" All Might asked.
The two of them sat in his office with tea in hand.
"A few days ago, I was at the mall and some villains attacked me and some other people." Midoriya started.
"You were there?"
"Wait so you heard about it?"
"Yes I saw it on the news. Interesting tactics involved."
"It took more than usual of OFA to break free and rescue the others. I don't know why but I'm just lucky that I didn't break my bones again."
"More than usual huh? And I assume that you were caught in the grease crystals too?"
"Not as much as Ken-"
He immediately covered his mouth in shock; he couldn't let even AM know about his relationship with Kendo. Who knows what might he have said.
"Yeah I partially was. My legs got covered which made it harder to move."
"Perhaps the extra weight was unexpected for using the quirk normally. How were you able to get free initially?"
"I used fifteen percent on the diamonds to break it."
"Good to see your practice is paying off."
"I also have another issue. Before the attack, I've had a couple of nightmares that all seemed to be linked."
"Were they successive?"
"No they just all had similar events and parts."
"And what exactly is common between them?"
"I saw All for one, the league of villains and the body of someone, like as if they were sacrificed."
"All for One?!" AM replied after spewing out his drink.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure it was him."
"Did he say anything or do anything?"
"He just looked at me and nothing else."
"I see. What about the league?"
"Some of them turned into Nomus. It was really freaky to watch."
"No doubt. Did they try to attack you or something?"
"No, they stayed behind All for One."
"And did you recognize the....body?"
Midoriya froze; he didn't want to think about it. It couldn't happen to her. Such a loss would wreck his sanity. But then again, maybe AM could suggest a way to save Kendo.
He started to shake nervously before slowly speaking.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"I.....have a......girlfriend now."
AM's eyes lit up slightly and smile grew on his face for a moment.
"Who is the lucky woman?"
"If you don't feel comfortable with telling you don't have to."
"Well its someone from the other class."
"Really? Even with all the tension going on?"
"Yeah it kind of feels like a Romeo and Juliet scenario."
AM chuckled and spoke.
"Well it better not end up the same way."
"No no, I don't w-want that either."
"Regardless, I doubt that your girlfriend will be in danger as your dreams showed. That being said, don't let her get in the way of your training."
"Of-of course not. She has her own things to work on. She has school work, hero training, friends to be wi-"
"I know, that doesn't mean don't set some time for you two."
"Yeah I know, Kendo-"
He covered his mouth in shock. His head fell as he realized that he said too much.
"Hold on, Itsuka Kendo?"
"No-no-no! I di-didn't mean to say it like t-that!"
"You're dating Itsuka Kendo, the big sister of class 1B? How more cute is that?!" Midnight said from behind.
Midoriya went turned very red in embarrassment. Sweat was dripping down face and arms.
"Can I help you Midnight?" AM asked surprised.
"I just couldn't help but listen when I heard he said he had a girlfriend; honestly I thought it would be with Uraraka-"
"This is a private matter." AM replied sternly.
"Sorry, I won't talk about any of this with anyone else. I'll be on my way."
She quickly darted out of the doorway and the two continued talking.
"So Battle Fist? Are you worried that you'll put Kendo in danger?"
"Maybe, I don't want her to get hurt just because of me."
"I can understand what you mean but remember, heroes are there for those who can't protect themselves. They will inevitably get hurt. Now if you mean as her being taken hostage, you have to decide with her what to give up for the best outcome."
"So you're saying that I should talk to her about it? Well we kinda already did after the mall. We ended up promising to not let each other get in the way of hero work."
All Might smiled in relief.
"You found a good girl friend. I wish you two the best."
"Thank you."

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