Chapter 54: Throw downs

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Bakugo blasted another round at Toga but missed to his frustration.
"Oh brother why on earth do you shoot like that? Its so lame!"
She kept dodging his blasts and started to launch a barrage of knives at him.
"It's Akane they're after!" He roared at the others.
As he got to his feet, Midoriya could feel the blood loss from his body. He hadn't felt this way before. But his duty remained the same, protect the others.
Suddenly there was a bright green flash and a distinct bang from within the lab entrance.
"I'll help Shoto and the others," All Might said.
"Wait what?!" Midoriya cried out.
"Okay I'm at 881 people now and no other heroes have shown up to deal with it; I'm getting suspicious." Roach said.
"Me too; it's like they were expecting this." Spinner replied.
She continued to infest the minds of people surrounding the target building but was closing in on her max limit. Still there were more and more people being drawn to the scene of the chaos. At this rate, more heroes would be racing to the scene within minutes.
"Come on Toga, how hard is it to get a blood sample?" She thought.
A large burst of air blew the crowd backwards and away from the building.
"What the hell?!"
A tall and muscular man emerged at the center of the blast. His hair was blonde and there was a big grin on his face. There was only one thing that he could possibly say.
"I AM HERE!!" A loud voice boomed.
"Uh oh...." They both said.
Battle Fist struck the man shooting blue flames. Despite the pain in her body from broken bones and the stab wound plus a lack of food, she had to keep going.
The door to her former cell was still open. Intense heat and blue flames surrounded her as she bolted towards escape.
"I'm not letting you go that easily."
"And I'm not giving up that easily either," she thought.
She enlarged her fists again and started using all the martial arts she had learned to strike massive blows to the villain.
Unfortunately, he wasn't going down at all.
In fact he seemed to be getting stronger and more intense. Those flames were more than lick the exposed skin of her fists.
It was too much to handle and she collapsed in agony.
Suddenly a black mass enveloped the man and he disappeared.
Just like when she was kidnapped.
"WHY ARE YOU ALL ATTACKING HERE?!" All Might shouted at the crowd. As everyone stumbled to their feet, they resembled relentless zombies. Worse yet, one of them was Shoto.
He didn't answer with a voice but rather with another ice attack. All Might didn't understand it. Everyone was acting like they were.....under control!
The winter festival villain must've been nearby! But where?
Ice surrounded him instantly, trapping the hero in a frozen prison.
He shattered the ice around him and charged through the crowd at incredible speed. The people under control fought back even harder to overwhelm the symbol of peace.
Quickly, he jumped up and onto the top of a nearby building and began scanning the area for someone suspicious.
The sun had fallen by that point and his head was starting to hurt.

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