Part 34

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~Time for Dorms!!~

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~Time for Dorms!!~


After Leaving the Hospital

At Home

Around Noon:

Katsuki and I had finally made it home around noon.

We had just opened the door, then immeadiately heard heavy and fast footsteps. Soon, our parents were in front of us and engulfing us in their hugs.

"Omg!! My babies are back!!" Mom shouted as she squeezed me and gave me a bunch of pecks on my cheeks.

Dad decided to do a quick side-hug with Katsuki, knowing Kat's dislike for affection, especially from his parents.

I know he secretly likes it though, as much as he disregards it and says it makes him feel lame and week, he likes it. I know it.

Afterwards, my parents switched people.

Dad gave me a bear hug and a kiss to the forehead.

Mom did the same thing she did with me to Katsuki, not caring about his complaints for her to stop.

They finally stopped and told us to go freshen up, which we headed upstairs to do.


Soon, I came down to find our parents greeting Uncle Zawa and Dad Might. They let them inside.

"Mr. Aizawa and All Might?" I said in confusion.

All Might gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"Hello Y/N. We're here to discuss dorms." Uncle Zawa informed.

"Dorms?" I asked as I looked at my parents.

"Sorry hun! Thought we had time to tell you before they got here." Dad said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh! No, it's fine. I'll go grab some tea for all of us." I said with a smile before I headed to the kitchen.


The tea was done. I brought it all in a tray as I walked to one of our mini living rooms that they were inside.

"You kiddin'? Yes, get these kids in a dorm room." Mom said as she smacked Katsuki in the back of the head.

"You hag!! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" Katsuki screamed in anger, which only earned him another smack.

"You hag!! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" Katsuki screamed in anger, which only earned him another smack

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❤️My Manly Rock Shark❤️ (eijirou kirishima x fem. reader)Where stories live. Discover now