Step Five

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Chapter Eighteen


"In other words, we have no deal." Kyle said.

The men looked at one another. I wasn't certain if they were merely bluffing or being honest with us. Many of our business partners had done just that so we could drop the percentage we wanted. The old man sitting to the far end of the table lowered his head while his advisors muttered amongst each other.

"Well, gentlemen, I hate to see you go, but if there is nothing further I can say that will change your mind...then this is farewell." Kyle said.

They stood and I glanced at the clock desperate to see nine thirty roll around. I was anxious to get this contract signed and sealed. The damn thing seemed to grow a pulse the instant I became aware of it sitting nicely tucked away in my brief case. My leg began to bounce as I watched all five men shake Kyle's hand and walk out the door.

"Amateurs." Kyle said, as he turned to look at me with a look of relief.

"They are not the first ones to want to opt out of a contract. They will soon realize that business was better off with us than with Orion Co." I replied.

"So what's got you in a knot?" He asked.

"I have a meeting at nine thirty, I'm a bit edgy." I honestly replied.

"Wow, you are actually nervous, is this some big time company?" He asked.

Kyle's brown eyes glowed with interest as he took a seat next to me, eager to hear what I had to say. He was always down for business and I had to hand it to him, he was damn good at negotiating. The men who had walked out of here with hopes of starting on their own would soon realize, after they weighting their expenses and their earnings, that it was best to call Kyle back and renegotiate.

"I am looking to buy, or rather I already did, buy the abandoned manor near the country side. Out by Oregon Avenue." I said.

"The old Sterling Manor? How the hell did you manage to land that? Kyle asked.

"You know about it?" I asked.

"Of course, our great uncle Dathan the first was the original owner of said manor. Don't you pay attention to Harland History?" He asked.

"Apparently not, no wonder father knew who had previously owned it so quickly." I replied.

"Dathan, I don't know where you have that head of yours, but I think I have a pretty good idea. Go to the museum they built in our family's honor, you will find everything you need to know there." He pointed out.

"I thought that was based only on our business history?" I asked, a bit surprised.

Kyle shook his head and laughed. Clearly, my head was up somewhere. Why was I the last to know of all these things?

"I'm sure you have a good excuse for not knowing. After all you are the great Dathan Heart the Ninth. In truth, so much has been expected out of you, your parents are not the only ones that depend on you .We do as well, we look up to you cousin." He said.

"Why?" I asked a bit intrigued to know.

"You are the last soul heir to the Heart foundation. Sure we are all related and share the same last name, but your great grandfather was the soul founder to our wealth. And as crazy as all of this might sound, every Heart born in his bloodline that was named after him as had great success. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting for you to marry and continue the family bloodline. In all honesty and it might be a stupid superstition, but if you die and you leave no heir behind, we believe everything might crumble." He explained.

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